Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts

In other to help you enjoy your windows we have created a list of Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts. Always clicking on the mouse may be a lot of stress and a long process. You don’t really need to know all the shortcuts, you can just learn those ones that you frequently make use of. This will help to enhance your experience with Windows 10.Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts

Windows keyboard shortcuts – Microsoft Support › en-us › windows › win…

Windows keyboard shortcuts · Copy: Ctrl + C · Cut: Ctrl + X · Paste: Ctrl + V · Maximize Window: F11 or Windows logo key + Up arrow · Open Task View: Windows logo

Keyboard shortcuts in Windows – Microsoft Support › en-us › windows › key…

Copy, paste, and other general keyboard shortcuts; Shift + F10. Display the shortcut menu for the selected item. ; Shift with any arrow key. Select more than one

List of all Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts: The ultimate guide › … › Windows

Here’s the list of the essential keyboard shortcuts that every Windows 10 user should know. Keyboard shortcut, Action. Ctrl + A, Select all

The Most Useful Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts – Reader’s › … › Laptop & Tablet

New Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts; Windows key + CTRL + D, Create a “virtual desktop” or second desktop; Windows key + I, Open Window Settings.

windows 10 keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcut  Action to do
Windows key Open or close start menu
Windows key + A Open action center
Windows key + C Open Cortana
Windows key + D Display and hide the desktop
Windows key +  E Open File Explorer
Windows Key + G Use only when a game is open to the Open  Game bar
Windows + I Open settings
Windows ­­­+ K Open the connect quick action
Windows + L Lock your PC or switch accounts
Windows + M Minimize all windoe]ws
Windows + R Open Run dialog box
Windows key + S Open search bar
Windows key + U Open Ease of access center
Windows Key + X Open Quick link Menu
Windows Key + Number Open any app pinned to the number.
Windows key + Left arrow key Snap Windows left
Windows key + Right arrow Key Snap app windows right
Windows key + up arrow key Maximize app windows
Windows key + Down arrow key Minimize app windows
Windows key + comma  Temporarily peek at the desktop
Windows Key + Ctrl + D Add a virtual desktop
Windows key + Ctrl + Left or Right arrow key Switch between virtual desktops
Windows key + Ctrl +F4 Close current virtual desktop
Windows key + enter key Open narrator
Windows key + Home Minimize all but the active desktop window
Windows key + PrtScn  Capture a screenshot and save
Windows key + Shift + Up arrow key Stretch the desktop window to the top and bottom of the screen
Windows logo key +Spacebar
Switch input language and keyboard layout
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Command Prompt keyboard shortcuts

The below table contains keyboard shortcuts that you can use in Command Prompt.

Keyboard shorts Action to do
Ctrl+C (or Ctrl+Insert) Copy the selected text
Ctrl+V (or Shift+Insert) Paste the selected text
Ctrl+M Enter Mark mode
Alt+selection key Begin selection in block mode
Arrow keys Move the cursor in the direction specified
Page up Move the cursor by one page up
Page down Move the cursor by one page down
Ctrl+Home Move the cursor to the beginning of the buffer
Ctrl+Up arrow Move up one line in the output history
Ctrl+Down arrow Move down one line in the output history
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General keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts Action to do
Rename the selected item
F3 Search for a file or folder in File Explorer
Display the address bar list in File Explorer
Refresh the active window
F6 Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop
F10 Activate the Menu bar in the active app
Close the active item, or exit the active app
Alt+Esc Cycle through items in the order in which they were opened
Alt+underlined letter Perform the command for that letter
Display properties for the selected item
Open the shortcut menu for the active window
Alt+Left arrow
Go back
Alt+Right arrow
Go forward
Alt+Page Up
Move up one screen
Alt+Page Down
Move down one screen
Alt+Tab Switch between open apps
Ctrl+F4 Close the active document (in apps that are full-screen and allow you to have multiple documents open simultaneously)
Select all items in a document or window
Ctrl+C (or Ctrl+Insert)
Copy the selected item
Ctrl+D (or Delete) Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin
Ctrl+R (or F5) Refresh the active window
Ctrl+V (or Shift+Insert) Paste the selected item
Ctrl+X Cut the selected item
Ctrl+Y Redo an action
Undo an action
Ctrl+Right arrow
Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word
Ctrl+Left arrow Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word
Ctrl+Down arrow Move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph
Ctrl+Up arrow Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph
Ctrl+Alt+Tab Use the arrow keys to switch between all open apps
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+arrow keys When a group or tile is in focus in the Start menu, move it in the direction specified
Ctrl+arrow key (to move to an item)+Spacebar Select multiple individual items in a window or on the desktop
Ctrl+Shift with an arrow key Select a block of text
Ctrl+Esc Open Start
Open Task Manager
Switch the keyboard layout when multiple keyboard layouts are available
Display the shortcut menu for the selected item
Delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first
Right arrow Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu
Left arrow Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu
Esc Stop or leave the current task


Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts

In other to help you enjoy your windows we have created a list of Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts. You don’t really need to know all the shortcuts,

About Chris Git

I am an SEO person with over five years of experience. I am mostly into product lunch and review. I feed on tech, Dring Tech, and Dream tech. My hobby is knowing how everything works. You are welcome to my world of content development and product review at I am also a financial analyst with an organization. It has been my sincere interest to help people solve their issues on credit cards. There are lots of questions in the mind of many credit card users. These range from which credit card is best? How many credit cards should I have?

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