Send Free Text Messages – With These Apps Without SMS Text Messaging

You can totally Free Text Messages if you have an active internet connection. There are several apps you can download on your mobile phone that will send Free Text Messages without using your cell phone’s SMS text messaging quota. Some of these popular apps include:Send Free Text Messages - With These Apps Without SMS Text Messaging

  • WhatsApp

WhatsApp launched in 2009 and has become the most popular text messaging app. It has established itself as a leader in text messaging as a standalone mobile app that allows users to send messages either over WiFi or over the Internet using their data plan instead of their SMS text messaging plan. WhatsApp is a cross-platform messaging tool and works on most smartphones. It costs 99 cents for iPhones but has been free for the other platforms.


  • Facebook Messenger

Always striving to be ahead of its competition, Facebook has moved aggressively into text messaging on mobile phones. Its standalone Messenger app does something similar to WhatsApp and is available for iOS, Android, and BlackBerry platforms.

Free Text Messages

The 10 Best Sites to Send Free Text Messages to Cell Phones › Internet

OpenTextingOnline … OpenTextingOnline is a texting website that lets you send free SMS messages online without creating an account. It works with carriers in

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chomp SMS … Chomp SMS is a free text messaging app for Android. The app enables you to choose among hundreds of themes and skins, and use

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10 Apps for Free SMS Text Messaging from iPhone & Android › Mobile › Android

This list of free SMS and Text apps that allow sending​ pictures and video clips as MMS (Multimedia Message Service) for free.

  • Kik Messenger

Thirdly, Kik started in 2009 and is a popular app for sending free text messages. Kik works with the four major smartphone platforms–iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows. It has Reddit and YouTube tightly integrated, which makes conversation and community, and video-sharing readily available.

  • MessageMe

MessageMe is one of the newer — and niftier– text messaging apps. It launched in 2013 and has already proven popular because the interface is intuitive, easy, and fun.

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More Messaging Tools

  • WeChat

WeChat, launched in 2010 is another popular mobile app that allows free texting and voice calls. It enables group chats, video chats, and works across platforms, including iPhones, BlackBerry, Android, Windows, and Nokia mobile devices. It is popular in East Asia and Africa and is owned by Tencent, China’s largest Internet portal. WeChat is more than just a messenger, though. It’s a multipurpose app that features photo filters, gaming, people-matching, taxi-hailing, and more.

  • Line

Line is a mobile messaging app especially popular in Japan that has been gaining popularity in other parts of the world. The line offers free texting, voice calling, and also a bunch of free, colorful stickers. It is available for iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry, Nokia–and also personal desktop computers. The Line messenger app first launched in 2011 in response to the devastating earthquake that hit Japan and knocked out a lot of communications. In addition to free texting and free calling, Line has branched out and offers photo-sharing features and status updates resembling those of social networks such as Facebook.

  • KakaoTalk

KakaoTalk is an easy-to-use messenger app that immediately detects the user’s phone number after it’s installed and launched. So it works without the user having to go through a tedious signup process. It also will synchronize the user’s contact list in their smartphone with the mobile messaging app’s caller list, making it easy to dial friends. KakaoTalk offers free voice calls and text messaging. It also allows users to conduct group polls with ease.

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The South-Korea-based app first launched in 2010. Like some of the other mobile messengers popular in Asian countries, KakaoTalk also features a variety of gaming options.