How to Protect Your Privacy Online Against Cyber Scammers

Have you ever Google yourself online? You might be surprised by what you will see about yourself online. Also, you will also be wondering how Google came about all this info about you. In this article, I want to discuss how to protect your privacy online. As a user of the internet, we provide countless information about ourselves in the course of living our everyday digital lives.How to Protect Your Privacy Online Against Cyber Scammers

As you post an update on Facebook, login into your email, shop online, etc you are leaving some digital prints that can be used to track you.

On the other hand,  companies are taking advantage of this to get information about you so as to sell their products and service to you. Also, some bad guys are using this information to fraud you. Unfortunately, many of us are careless about how we protect our personal information and activities online. Some internet users find it difficult to effectively protect their information online.

As a result, have lost control of how their personal information is collected and used by companies and individuals. It’s very important that people get to be control of who can get information about them online. And this is what this post is created to teach you. Do well to read down so to see the tips I will be sharing with you on how to protect your privacy online.

How to protect your privacy online

Why You Need to Protect Your Privacy Online

Privacy is respecting an individual and their personal life. As an internet user, there are enormous reasons why you should protect your privacy. People have different reasons why they are online. Some people are online to fraud. Therefore, you need to guide your personal info. Also, there are some sites that make money by providing people’s personal information online. Below are some of the few reasons why you need to protect your privacy online.

  • Identity theft
  • Protect your financial information
  • Avoid being robbed
  • Maintain your business reputation.
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How to Protect your Personal Information Online

  • Secure your device: the first step in protecting your personal information online is by securing your device. Your phone is your best paddy. Because its always with you and sure they are some personal secrets pieces of information on it. When we talk about phone security, iPhones have one of the most secure mainstream devices today. Android also comes with strong security features.
  • Reduce your personal information on your social media profile: the more information you provide on social media, the easier it is for someone to get complete details about you. Don’t provide much information about yourself on social media. Come to think of it, what is actually the use of that info. People who need to know your email address, date of birth and phone number already have them.
  • Mind the type of app you install: some apps will always seek permission, to your documents, phones like photos, contacts, cameras, etc. be mindful of these types of apps because they can make you regret someday.
  • Use a strong and unique password: always ensure that you set a strong password on your phone and in any important site that you are creating a new account.
  • Stop using public wifi: most public wifi tracks and monitor any page you visit. Therefore, be careful the type of public wifi you connect to or better still get your own personal wifi or you can use your phone hotspot as wifi to connect your PC.
  • Buy things with cash: it’s good to go cashless. But know when and where to buy with your credit cards and ATM cards. Some credit card companies exchange your personal info. Therefore it’s better you go the old fashion way by paying with cash.
  • Secure your cloud data: you must ensure that you have a strong security code to your data on clouds. There are many free cloud storage available that offer strong data security. Also, remember that cloud is other people’s server so be mindful of the kind of data you save in the cloud.
  • Use two- factor authentication: two-factor authentication is the technology that is used in ensuring that the right owner s have access to their account. A code is normally sent to the personal phone before he or she can have access to the account. Most sites have adopted this technology. You can apply this to your Facebook, twitter, google drive, and Microsoft account. This will keep others from access your account.
ALSO READ:  University Of Plymouth Public Research Institution

How to Protect Your Privacy Online

It’s very important that people get to be control of who can get information about them online. And this is what this post is created to teach you.

About Chris Git

I am an SEO person with over five years of experience. I am mostly into product lunch and review. I feed on tech, Dring Tech, and Dream tech. My hobby is knowing how everything works. You are welcome to my world of content development and product review at I am also a financial analyst with an organization. It has been my sincere interest to help people solve their issues on credit cards. There are lots of questions in the mind of many credit card users. These range from which credit card is best? How many credit cards should I have?

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