How to Easily Print Excel Sheets in Black and White

Do you have an idea of how you can paint a colorful Excel spreadsheet in black and white? Thus, we bring to you “how you can do this either manually or using a short VBA procedure.Print Excel Sheets in Black and White

As though, the color we use in Microsoft Excel makes it readable and as such, it will as well appear in this same pleasant manner to the eye when you print them out. Colors can as well add beauty to your work, enhance and highlight important “Noting” and more. It is useful to users and also to the third person who is viewing the printed copy.

You can counter your point as a result of readability. The readability of your work makes it stand out. Let’s look at how we can print in black and white manually and as well via the VBA method.

Join as well get into work using office 365. If you don’t have this very version, you can still work with the one you have.

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How to Print an Excel sheet in Black and White Manually

This is the simplest format that suits printing in black and white over Excel. Using the below template, we can illustrate how you can manually print in black and white. But first, you must set your print settings.

  • Launch into your office 365
  • Click on the “Page Layout” tab.
  • Within the resulting dialog, click on the sheet tab.
  • Move to print option and check out for black and white.
  • Now press OK.

When you are done doing this, you can move to the File tab and click on the print option to confirm the result of the settings. You will notice that no background color is being sent to the printer regardless of what may appear on the screen.

This is the best way to automate black and white print over your Excel worksheet. And with the above step, you are good to go.

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How to automate black and white print in Excel

The simple Visual Basic Editor (VBE) helps to print more sheets and as well for the only Sheet1 in black and white. This method is not commonly used as it is not familiar to people.

At first, note that you are using a ribbon version. However, ensure to save your workbook as a micro-enabled file {.xlxm}. Then click Alt+f11 to open the VBE. Select Thisworkbook in the Project Explorer. Access the shortcut using Crtl+R or Choose Project Explorer from the View Menu. In the ThisWorkbook module, now enter the code in Listings A and B.

Listing A

Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint (Cancel As Boolean)

Print in black and white

With ActiveSheet and white = True

End With

End Sub

Listing B

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave (ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)

Disable black and white setting.

With ActiveSheet

.PageSetup.BlackAndWhite = False

End With

This is like coding so you won’t have to copy direct. This is because the VBE will not be able to interpret the unseen web characters. So you would have to enter the code manually or copy to any text editor and then back to the module.

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Now go back to Excel and print the sheet. However, the print preview may show the color but will print in black and white. You can print it to a PDF and then open it if you want.

After you must have saved the workbook, the settings will automate the new interface as it disables the previous settings.

About Chris Git

I am an SEO person with over five years of experience. I am mostly into product lunch and review. I feed on tech, Dring Tech, and Dream tech. My hobby is knowing how everything works. You are welcome to my world of content development and product review at I am also a financial analyst with an organization. It has been my sincere interest to help people solve their issues on credit cards. There are lots of questions in the mind of many credit card users. These range from which credit card is best? How many credit cards should I have?

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