Internet Speed Test Login login sign in
The Internet  Speed testwas developed by Ookla to measure internet speed. It is a highly trusted tool and has become the standard for internet testing and performance.
Internet Speed testhas become a worldwide internet assessment tool with billions of active users subscribing to it. It is available for all smartphones both android and ios smartphones. Also available on windows, macs, windows, Apple TV and Google Chrome.
To use the speed testson smartphones, first of all, you have to download it from any app store available to you. Next is to create your account, if you do not have one already and then perform a speed test login. The following steps will help you perform a speed test login:
How to Internet Speed test Login
- To login to your Internet speed test account first, open a web browser of your choice and search for the web address
- On the homepage that opens at the top right corner is the loginbutton, click on it
- On the page that opens, a drop-down menu appears where you can enter your email addressand password
- You can also tick the remember mebox if you are using your personal computer, but if you are on a public device you can leave the box blank, this is due to security reasons.
- Next click on the logging button, to log into your account
- Note that for you to log into your account, your login details which are your password and email address have to be typed incorrectly any mistake will prevent you from logging into your account.
Internet Speed Test Login Problems
Problems arise in speed test login if one of the processes involved is not done properly. The most common problems encountered include the wrong entry of email addresses or passwords. When your email address or password is wrong, logging into your account becomes a problem. Also if you forget your password you will also not be able to enter into your account, in this case, you can reset your password by clicking on the link forgot password?
Clicking on this link will take you to a page where you are requested to enter your email address. Remember that the email address must be the same as the one you used to open your Internet speed testaccount.
Once you submit the email address, an email will be sent to your email address. Open your inbox and click on the link contained in the email sent to you. On the page that opens, follow the instructions there carefully to complete your password reset.
After resetting your password, wait for some time before using the new password to login to your account.
Register a new Internet speed test login account
To create a new speed test account, go to the login page and click on Register.On the registration page that opens enter the following where appropriate: your email address, re-enter your email address again to confirm it. Also, enter a unique password that is known only to you, re-enter the password to confirm it.
Next, type in the codefound in the image on your screen, you can choose to refresh it if you can’t see it properly. If your eyes are poor then select the audio option which is the sound icon to listen to the codes.
After entering the code, click on Registerto create an account and then continue to complete other registration processes.
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