Why eBay Classifieds Is More Robust Than Craigslist

eBay classifieds came on board in 2010, introduced by eBay. It is a site dedicated to classified listings, a free and easy-to-use marketplace that connects local buyers and sellers. On eBayClassifieds.com, listings can be created for jobs, cars, services, as well as pets.eBay Classifieds

Apart from searching for classifieds, you can also, specify the location you’d like to purchase from. To do this, scroll to the left-hand side of the search results page, beneath “Item Location”, choose the “Within” option to search for classifieds listings situated near your zip code.

Having the ability to post and search for local classified listings in eBay simplifies the process of connecting local sellers and buyers on a platform that plays host to millions of users.

Craigslist, on the other hand, comprises of different things. The site sports low-quality images, or none at all, and is often full of spam or decked with half-baked ads which offer little useful information, because most of the posters have not done their homework well.

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Why eBay Classifieds Is More Robust

eBay classifieds, creates a balance between the two extremes and has worked its way into becoming an option for those who are interested in online trading and classified ads.

Here are some benefits that accrue with the site:

  • The site has a built-in map integration that makes it easier to estimate how far from you a service or item is located.
  • eBay classifieds, offers much stronger cues for listing posters (like a scaled-down version of the eBay item listing form) which makes listings have similar formats and offer more information than Craigslist listings. On the site, newbies can easily make a complete and informative post.
  • eBay Classifieds is free.
  • There’s a site-wide search, that displays categories in results.
  • The site’s presentation is very colorful, and interactive, and is designed to be less cluttered than eBay and easier than Craigslist during navigation.
  • The website offers the same “beyond selling” categories as that of Craigslist, as well as services, local coordination, housing, job listings, and resume postings, etc.

To help you further profit from the site, the classified listings are searchable from the main eBay.com website, which is a feature that can increase exposure and chances for a sale.

Why You Should Use eBay Classifieds

eBay classifieds are very beneficial to a buyer, consumer, searcher.

It comes in handy when you want something immediately, without having to wait for an auction to end or shipping to take place.

It is very helpful when you want to meet the person you are transacting business with.

It is an ideal site when you are looking for something that is not strictly for sale or shippable, for example, a job, a pet, a carpool match, or a service provider.

When eBay Classifieds Is More Beneficial to Use Than eBay

Use eBay:

  • When you don’t need the hassles that come with shipping.
  • If you’d like to get paid in cash or check upfront, instead of having to work with payment services.
  • If your product, service, or interest is exclusively local.
  • When you don’t want to be contractually bound and under time pressure because you are an eBay seller.
  • If what you are selling is either not available in eBay categories or is forbidden by eBay rules but not on eBay classifieds rules.

About Chris Git

I am an SEO person with over five years of experience. I am mostly into product lunch and review. I feed on tech, Dring Tech, and Dream tech. My hobby is knowing how everything works. You are welcome to my world of content development and product review at http://logingit.com/ I am also a financial analyst with an organization. It has been my sincere interest to help people solve their issues on credit cards. There are lots of questions in the mind of many credit card users. These range from which credit card is best? How many credit cards should I have?

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