Imo Instant Messenger – compatible with the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch

Imo is popularly known as an incredible instant messaging app that lets you make calls at low data rates. Be it voice calls or high-quality video calls, IMO provides a seamless platform to enable you to keep in touch with your loved ones no matter the distance. The IMO instant messager app for iPhone is easy to use and takes only minutes to set up for multiple accounts. Imo is a solid app for keeping in touch with friends on a variety of instant messaging networks, it supports multiple social sites and is a cinch to set up.

Imo is compatible with the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch running iOS 7.0 or later.

Imo Instant Messengerimo video calls and chat – Apps on Google Play › store › apps › details › id=co…

Imo is a free, simple, and faster video call & instant messaging app. Send text or voice messages or video call with your friends and family easily and … – Wikipedia › wiki › Imo

IMO is a free audio/video calling and instant messaging software service. … It allows sending music, video, PDFs, and other files, along with various free …

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imo video calls and chat HD 12+ – App Store – Apple › app › imo-video-calls-and-chat…

Message and video chat with your friends and family for FREE, no matter what device they are on! – Encrypted high-quality Video and Voice calls.

Imo Instant Messenger Review – Lifewire › Software › Apps

The Imo app offers free HD voice and video calling, but its feature set is more limited than its competition.

Review: IMO Instant Messenger | WIRED › 2011/11 › IMO-instant-messenger…

The app supports all the big names — AIM, Facebook Chat, Google Talk, MSN Messenger, Yahoo, and more—and sends messages quickly and relia

Pros / Imo Instant Messenger

  • Firstly, Unlimited free messages and video and voice calls.
  • Secondly, Group chat.
  • Thirdly, Hundreds of free stickers.

Cons / Imo Instant Messenger

  • Firstly, doesn’t work in areas without an internet connection.
  • Secondly, complaints that contacts were spammed by IMO.

Skype Alternative / Imo Instant Messenger

Imo can serve as an alternative to Skype.

The IMO app supports numerous social networking sites and chat networks, including AIM, Yahoo, Facebook, and Google Hangouts. When IMO lost its ability to interface with Skype in 2013, the company rebranded itself as the alternative to Skype and added video chat to lure platform switchers.

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Imo includes a lot of features, including the ability to add friends to separate groups to keep things organized. Imo makes it easy to set a status message and includes a searchable chat history and support for voice messaging. The addition of a sticker package enhances the chat features.

IMO supports push notifications so you’ll be alerted when you get a new message or call.

How It Works

With the addition of video chat and voice calls, this app provides a full-service communications service. Click on any of your friends to launch the chat screen, which is easy to use. Simply type your message and hit send. You can create customized groups for messaging to several recipients. The app includes hundreds of stickers so you can express yourself within the chat format.

There are a few privacy issues to keep in mind. When you add your Facebook account, for example, the IMO app asks for permission to do several things that may make some users pause. In addition to accessing your basic information and Facebook chat, the app also requests permission to access your friends’ information. Some users have reported that their friends received spam from IMO as a result.


Unfortunately, you can’t opt out of these settings since it is an all-or-nothing request. This is not something peculiar to IMO, as almost all Facebook applications require some sort of privacy permissions.