How to Edit YouTube Videos – fix your videos for a better view

Posting a video on YouTube is one of the fastest ways to get noticed online. If you have ever posted a video on YouTube and as times are changing, you have a need to edit this video; you can do so and still retain the old link instead of making a new one. You can fix the lighting, color, trim the videos and apply several filters to any part of this video for a better view. The process to do so will be described shortly. But you need to note that, if your video has had more than 100,000 views, you must save it as a new video after editing.

Edit YouTube VideosThe Beginner’s Guide to Editing YouTube Videos – HubSpot … › how-to-edit-youtube-vidoes

Sign in to YouTube Studio. · 2. On the left sidebar, click Content. · 3. In Uploads, click the thumbnail of the video you want to edit. · 4. In …

Trim your videos – YouTube Help – Google Support › youtube › answer

Sign in to YouTube Studio. From the left menu, select Content. Click the title or thumbnail of the video you’d like to edit. From the left menu, select Editor.

How to Edit Your YouTube Videos | PCMag › … › Video › Video Editing

Click the Content entry on the Dashboard sidebar and select the thumbnail for the video you wish to edit. At the Details window, click the ..

How to Edit YouTube Videos: a Complete Beginner’s Guide › … › Tech Reference

Edit YouTube videos in YouTube Studio · 1. Move the starting point to where you want to trim within your video. · 2. Click Trim. · 3. Select Split …

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How to Edit Videos for YouTube: Beginners Guide 2021 › youtube-video-editing › h…

How to Edit Videos for Free using the YouTube Studio Video Editor 1: Sign in to YouTube Studio 2: Open “Content” and upload videos 3: Select ..

Video Editing Tasks

YouTube used to provide an impressive set of video-editing features free for users in its Video Editor—but as of September 2017, this feature was discontinued. The Enhancements section, however, allows you to perform an array of video editing tasks, such as:

  • Firstly, auto-fixing lighting and color
  • Secondly, stabilizing shakiness
  • Applying slow motion, time-lapse, and filters
  • Trimming
  • Rotating
  • Also, Blurring

How To Edit YouTube Videos

  • Navigate to Your Channel’s Video Manager. First, log in to your YouTube account, then look in the top right corner. Click on your picture or icon. From the menu that appears, select Creator Studio. On the menu to the left, click Video Manager. You’ll then see a list of videos you’ve uploaded.
  • Find the video you’d like to edit in the list. Click Edit, then Enhancements. A menu will appear to the right of your video, from there you can choose what you’d like to do to it.
  • You’ll find several ways to enhance your video under the Quick fixes tab. To optimize lighting and color in one step, click Auto-fix. To make manual adjustments, find Fill Light, Contrast, Saturation, and Color Temperature below the Auto-fix button. Use the sliders to increase or decrease each of these as desired.
  • If your video is a bit shaky, select the Stabilize Choose Slow Motion to slow down your video’s playback to half speed, quarter speed, or eighth speed. Time Lapse speeds up the rate at which your video plays. You can select 1x, 2x, 4x, or 6x. Trim allows you to clip at your video’s beginning or end. Click the arrows next to the Trim button to rotate your video left or right.
  • Next is to apply Filters. Clicking on the Filters tab (next to Quick fixes) brings up the many filters available. You can give your video an HDR effect, turn it black and white, make it more vivid, or apply any number of other fun, intriguing effects. You can try each and preview before adding the effect; if you decide not to use it, simply click it again.
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Blurring Effects

Sometimes—typically for privacy—you might want to make faces in your videos indistinguishable. YouTube makes this easy:

  • Click on the Blurring effects tab.
  • Then, choose Blur faces > Edit. YouTube will find the faces in your video automatically. This may take a few minutes; you can do other tasks in YouTube while this process completes.
  • A thumbnail will appear for each face detected. Choose which ones you’d like to blur.

How To Apply Custom Blurring.

Custom blurring lets you blur not only faces but also objects and other elements. Here’s how:

  • Firstly, click Custom blurring > Edit.
  • Secondly, click and drag to box in the area you’d like to blur. You’ll see the blurring happen as you do.
  • Thirdly, you can move the blurred box by clicking and dragging within it.
  • Fourthly, click and drag a corner to change the size of the blurred box.
  • Choose when the blurring starts and stops by clicking and dragging the ends of the timeline.
  • To keep the blurred box from moving. select Lock in the timeline.
  • Lastly, to blur more than one spot, simply click and drag additional boxes wherever you like.
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Save Your Enhanced Video / Edit YouTube Videos

Click Save in the upper right corner to save your video at any time after you make changes.