Are you looking for a means to manage your money? If yes, you are at the right place. Discover has provided many cards which can help you manage your money. With their cash back credit card, travel credit card, they have a credit that can give you the rewards and deal you really deserve.
With a Discover credit card, you can get free credit scores and rebuild your credit history. There are other benefits of the Discover credit card. You can read more below.
Enter Discover IT Cash Invitation Code
Do you want to apply for the Discover Bank credit card through the invitation code online? Follow this guideline:
- Visit invitation code
- Enter your 23 digit invitation code which is in your offer letter.
- Click on the Start Your Application button
You are to provide the following details
- Name
- Home address
- Primary phone
- Email address
- Date of birth
- Social security number
- Citizenship status
- Employment status
- Total gross income
- Monthly housing/rent payment
- Bank account owned
When you have provided your invitation code and other details, a notification will be sent to you about your application status.
How to Apply for Discover Bank Credit card without an invitation code
Visit the page below if you don’t have an invitation code and you want to apply:
- Click on “Credit Cards”
- Select the credit card after reading the terms and conditions
- Click on Apply Now
You will be asked to provide the following information as you select your preferred design:
- Name
- Home address
- Primary phone
- Email address
- Date of birth
- Social security number
- Citizenship status
- Employment status
- Total gross income
- Monthly housing/rent payment
- Bank account owned
Click on the Continue to Terms
As soon as you submit your application, you will receive a message on the status of the application.
Discover Credit Card Highlights
- 0% introductory APR for purchases
- Earn an unlimited cashback of up to 5%
- No annual fee
- No foreign transaction fee
- Receive a free monthly credit score from the three major credit bureaus
- Cashback will never expire, you can redeem ant time any moment
- Free social security number alerts
- Receive U.S based customer support at any time
Contact Discover Card Customer Service
Call 1-800-DISCOVER
Payment Address
Discover Financial Service
PO Box 6103
Carol Stream, IL 60197-6103
Customer Service – General Inquiries
Discover Financial Service
PO Box 30943
Salt Lake City, UT 84130-943