Netflix and Vista Windows Media Center – a very good viewing experience

Through Vista Windows Media Center, you can use Netflix, the popular video streaming site. It provides a very good viewing experience if you have the right hardware and a fast internet connection. But before you jump at it, it’s good to know the pros and cons associated with it.Netflix and Vista Windows Media Center - a very good viewing experience


  • Firstly, works as part of Windows Media Center
  • Secondly, good picture quality
  • Thirdly, good sound quality
  • Fourthly, controls are convenient and work well


  • Firstly, heavily dependent on Internet connection and speed
  • Secondly, heavily dependent on PC hardware
  • Media Center hardly remembers passwords


  • Netflix is a service that integrates with Windows Media Center.
  • This service works very well.
  • Computer hardware and Internet connection are key to its success.
  • There is a learning curve for new Netflix users.

    Netflix and Vista Windows Media Center

Netflix comes to Windows Media Center › 2009/05/19 › netflix-come…

In Windows Media Center, a new Netflix tile will appear under “TV + … Windows Media Center offers a great entertainment experience.

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They can start streaming movies and TV episodes, search the entire Netflixlibrary, manage both their instant and DVD Queues, filter searches by …

How to Set up Netflix on Windows Media Center – Lifewire › Software & Apps › Windows

How to view, set up, and navigate Netflix using Windows Media Center in Windows Vista on your PC or laptop.

Known issues and limitations of Netflix in Windows Media … › en-us › topic › known-i…

Describes the known issues and limitations of Netflix in Windows Media Center for computers that are running Windows 7. Also, describes the steps to resolve …

Guide Review – Netflix and Vista Windows Media Center

Netflix, previously known for its DVD rentals through the mail, now offers streaming video on demand. Subscribers can watch videos through their Mac and PC Internet Browsers. Also, like Tivo and XBOX 360 patrons, Windows Vista users now have an, even more, the seamless option — watching videos via the Windows Media Center (WMC). The advantage of using Netflix with WMC is a familiar interface that can integrate well with multimedia systems, especially if those are connected to high definition televisions.

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All streaming video or content shown on a computer depends heavily on the hardware of the computer (operating memory, processor, graphic card, network connection, etc.) as well as the speed of the Internet Broadband connection. If these are all good, Netflix will work well; if not, you may have problems.

Netflix recommends a PC configuration of Windows XP with Service Pack 2, or Vista, Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher; or Firefox 2 or higher, a 1.2 GHz processor and 512 MB RAM or higher. This is for viewing via an Internet Browser.

For viewing via Vista Windows Media Center, you should default to a good minimum configuration for the Windows Vista operation system: a Dual-Core processor, 3 to 4 GB of operating memory, and a 320 GB or larger hard drive.

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It may not be easy to use if you’re new to Netflix and Windows Media Center, fortunately, the learning curve is short, and overall the service works well.