5 Steps to Design Community Survey Using Google Docs

A business is only successful if you can find a way to retain your customers. Customer retention comes as a result of customer satisfaction. And the best way to know if people are satisfied or dissatisfied with the product and service is by getting feedback from them through surveys. Design Community Survey ensures community engagement and active participation.5 Steps to Design Community Survey Using Google Docs

If you want to create a user community survey via Google Docs, you can follow the simple steps below:

Step 1 – Select a Survey Template / Design Community Survey

From the Google Docs template page, begin like you would create a new document but instead navigate to the Template Gallery. Search for the survey template and select it.


You can create your own template, but using a template already formatted is the quickest way to get started. The elements of the template can be customized to suit your survey design needs. For example, you can add your company logo and change the questions.


Step 2 – Prepare Survey Questions / Design Community Survey

Edit the questions in the survey template. Google Docs is intuitive so you’ll see the edit function’s pencil icon readily available as you hover over each question.


Keep in mind your questions need to clearly address your member’s concerns. Only a few basic questions are necessary.

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Think like you’re one of the participants. Don’t expect the participant to spend a lot of time on the survey. Ensure the survey can be completed as quickly as possible. Which is another reason to keep it short and simple.

Delete extra questions and save the survey form.

Design Community Survey

Create a survey – Google Surveys Help

https://support.google.com › surveys › answer

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How to Make a Survey With Google Docs Forms – Business

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Step 1. How to Create Your First Google Forms Survey. Click the arrow to the right of the Google Forms option to choose between opening a blank .

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Use Google Forms to create a survey – TechRepublic

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Create a simple survey form · 1. Click on the Forms web app icon · 2. One click · 3. Survey setup · 4. Add and edit questions · 5. Edit the Survey …

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This refers to how an organization organizes and manages its data. Click on the data analysis tab. 90 grams Weight of Packet 3. Google Sheets™.

Step 3 – Send Survey Form to Members

From your survey page, select Email this form. You’ll notice two red circles.

A – Send an email directly from the survey form. This step simply requires entering email addresses or choosing from contacts if you’re storing email addresses in Google Docs. Then, select Send. The survey form, including the introduction, is emailed to your participating members.

Otherwise, you may want to try the second method.

B – Send the URL from another source as an embedded link Al explained below.

Step 3B – Alternate Step – Embed Link

Embed either the complete URL (B, circled in red, shown in the previous step) or shortened link into a social media message. Or other source depending on where you expect members to respond to your survey request. This is only suggested if you’re intending to track survey views.

Step 4 – Participants Complete Survey

Any web browser that participating members have access to can be used to complete the survey.

Because you’ve designed a short survey, participants may be inclined to complete it.

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Step 5 – Analyze Survey Results

In the Google Docs spreadsheet form, the backend of your survey. Participant responses are automatically populated into each of the question columns.

When you have a concentration of responses, the data will have better significance. For example, if two out of 50 responses were unfavorable. The two responses are usually not enough to make a change. Possibly there is some other reason for the unfavorable responses, but certainly, keep track of them.

Survey Summary – Next Steps

Share the survey summary with your team or committee to talk about the results. Have different team members voice their concerns before deciding to make any changes.

Now you can bookmark these community survey steps and tips for the next time you’re preparing a survey.