Ultipro Payroll and Human Resources Information System

Do you work for Nextran Truck Center?  If so, do you know that you can use their online portal to always access your pay stubs? Their online portal is Ultipro Payroll and Human Resources Information System. This online portal is open 24/7 and you can access it from whatever location you are. All you need is a device like a smartphone, tablet, or computer with an internet connection. Employees need to get their login details from the Human Resources Department before accessing the website.Ultipro Payroll and Human Resources Information System

Once you have access to your payroll account, you will not need to depend on the human Resources Department anymore. Your online payroll account has the hours you have worked, working hours, and your schedule, payment details, payment due dates, taxes, deductions, benefits of employees, and lots more details,

However, to access your payroll account

go to https://ew31ultipro.com. Use the User ID and Password your company gave you to access your payroll details. Your initial password given to you by the company will be your date of birth in the order of month, date, and year. Once you supply the above, you will quickly gain access to your account.

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Moreover, after your first login, you will be asked to change your password and set up 2 challenge questions that you can always remember. The website provides a lot of challenging questions, choose the ones you can always recall when the need arises. This is very important to secure your account.

Ultipro Payroll

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In case you forget your password, click on the “Forgot Password“ link on the homepage. Carefully follow the instructions given to retrieve it. But if you are unable to retrieve it, contact the Human Resources Department for help to retrieve it.

Also, after logging in to your account

you will see the full name, address, phone number, current pay statement, payment history, direct deposit, vacation/personal leave, balances, all your past and current payroll details. You can as well see your weekly, monthly. And yearly details. Also, you can as well view your tax and deduction details. As an employee, you can add or remove deductions depending on. Restrictions set in the account. Employees can make direct deposits in their accounts. Take your time to learn everything in the online portal to be able to. Monitor and control your payroll account.

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Furthermore, another interesting aspect of the online portal is that employees can make changes and updates in their payroll accounts. Employees can change their marital status, add or remove dependent relatives, change their account number, change their email address, and phone number. Whatever changes you are making, always seek the consent of the Human Resources Department and get their approval.

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