reCAPTCHA Mailhide – Free Email Address Protection Service

Captchas are the small puzzles that have you type distorted strings of disconnected characters when you sign up for something on the web or try to post a comment on a blog. As senseless as they may look, they actually help to protect your email address from spammers. It can be annoying especially when the words are meaningless. reCAPTCHA Mailhide hides your email address from spammers with a captcha (puzzle) that makes twofold sense: meaningful words, and typing them helps digitize books.

Unfortunately, reCAPTCHA Mailhide is no longer available.reCAPTCHA Mailhide

Is Mailhide no longer supported? · Issue #221 – GitHub › google › recaptcha › issues

Gee, wondering what it will take until Google at least considers migrating mailhide to reCAPTCHA

MailHide – Hiding Your Email Address From the Bots and …

Hide Email Address from Online Crawlers, Email Spiders or Spammers. Best Alternative to Google Recaptcha Mailhide.

Top 4 reCAPTCHA Mailhide Alternatives | Product Hunt › alternatives › recaptcha.

Discover top 4 alternatives to reCAPTCHA Mailhide on Product Hunt. Top 4 alternatives: reCAPTCHA v3, Hotmark, GeeTest, Guardian Digital

reCAPTCHA Mailhide Alternatives and Similar Sites / Apps › … › reCAPTCHA Mailhide

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reCAPTCHA Mailhide helps you protect your inbox by asking people to solve a reCAPTCHA before they can view your email address and is a website in the Security ..

Captcha::reCAPTCHA::Mailhide – A Perl implementation of the … › pod › Captcha::reCAPTCHA::Ma…



  • reCAPTCHA Mailhide protects your email address with a captcha, a small puzzle.
  • Both visible and audible captchas make your email address accessible to most internet users.
  • Accessible via an API, reCAPTCHA Mailhide lets your site create protected addresses easily.


  • reCAPTCHA Mailhide lacks a nice way of setting default subjects or message bodies.
  • The captcha, while bearable, is still a slight annoyance to the prospective sender.
  • The audible puzzle is a tad difficult and cumbersome.


  • Firstly, reCAPTCHA Mailhide protects email addresses on the web from spammers’ harvesting robots.
  • Secondly, the full email address is only revealed after solving a captcha, a short puzzle easy for humans but hard for computers.
  • Thirdly, reCAPTCHA Mailhide puzzles are words scanned from books and help digitize the latter.
  • Using an API, you can create reCAPTCHA Mailhide protection for email addresses automatically on your site.
  • Lastly, a PHP library makes it easy to do so on sites using that scripting language.
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Guide Review – reCAPTCHA Mailhide – Free Email Address Protection Service

Do you like captchas? Well, your answer depends on the side from which you look at them. Captchas are an annoyance to solve, of course, and the annoyance level grows exponentially with their difficulty and frequency. At the same time, captchas that protect your email address from being captured and exploited by spammers can be useful — as long as they don’t wear out those trying to contact you too much. This is where reCAPTCHA comes in with its Mailhide service. Instead of senseless words, reCAPTCHA has users type meaningful words. To make they’re solving the puzzle even more useful, the words come from books that have been scanned.

Text recognition programs recognize many a character and font, but humans are still a lot better. reCAPTCHA Mailhide’s puzzles help correct the errors made in automatic digitization.

Now, reCAPTCHAs Mailhide would be a great service even if its puzzles made less sense. Easy to use, reCAPTCHAs Mailhide lets you create HTML code to protect your email address on the reCAPTCHAs site, but you can also automatize the process. An API lets you — or your website rather — create reCAPTCHAs Mailhide protection for email addresses, say in a blog’s comments section, automatically.

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reCAPTCHAs Mailhide’s simplicity comes at a minor price, of course: while you can add default subject and body text to your email address as you would in a regular mailto: link, reCAPTCHA Mailhides does always display the full address (including all encoded subject and body text). In addition to its sensible visible captchas, reCAPTCHA Mailhide provides audible puzzles for more universal access. But these do not make a lot of sense and can be a bit difficult.