Facebook News – addition of local news and video for users


Facebook News, a new place on Facebook where you find news that you care about. Facebook opens up by saying “we worked with some of the top news brands in the U.S to bring their best stories into Facebook News, in order to make users find relevant stories and news to depend on. Now there are over 200 outlets across general, topical, and diverse outlets, with thousands of local publishers. And now, you can connect to more of the news you care about.

Facebook News - addition of local news and video for users

Moreover, journalism is the stack of Facebook News. Furthermore, this feature was introduced in October 2019, but not for all users in the U.S.  Now for this to affect nationwide, Facebook has. Also introduced local news to its news section as a result of wooing new publishers to its platform. With the promise of increased distribution.

How Facebook News Works

https://www.facebook.com › news › how it works

Featuring a wide range of content, Facebook News has divided publishers into four categories: general, topical, diverse, and local news.

Facebook is rolling out its News section for all users in the US

https://www.digitalinformationworld.com › 2020/06 › f…

According to TechCrunch, Facebook has also included a local news tab in its News section. Facebook News will be curated by journalists and …


Introducing Facebook News | Meta

https://about.fb.com › news › 2019/10 › introducing-fa…

Facebook News gives people more control over the stories they see and the ability to explore a wider range of news within the Facebook app.

A new Facebook News tab is starting to roll out in the United

https://www.theverge.com › 2019/10/25 › facebook-ne…

Facebook began testing a new home for news in its mobile app today called Facebook News. It will roll out to a few hundred thousand users in …

Challenges facebook encountered setting in Facebook News

Of course, this brought certain challenges to facebook trying to put this in order. Years back, Facebook presented a shortlist of trending stories across its network. Nevertheless, the editor that curated this news algorithm was fired for haven posted fake news to the untended list. From this challenge, they removed this feature in June 2018.

In their attempt to serve publishers, they produced poor results. This was not easy at all on them as they released instant articles that denounced advertising, subscriptions and other modules publishers relied on to make many abandon the feature. A whole lot of mess went on but then returned back on paying publishers while some businesses were wiped out. A whole lot of biased information was associated with Facebook news which does not speak well of them. Of course, the information has always pointed out to be favorable on one side or the other

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Now is the time of making a different track with regards to News. The new product employs the hands of journalists to program facebook News in addition to algorithms to better personalize story selection. Now users can react and share articles rather than commenting.  In case you find any of them not interesting, you can hide articles, topics, and publishers they don’t want to see.

For the success of this feature, publishers will have to serve a large audience and abide by integrity standards. The integrity over here is talking about misinformation which will be identified by third-party fact-checkers, clickbait, engagement bait, or use of scraped content.

  Facebook News Launch continues….

You could as well notice the new features in News such as breaking news alerts, e.g. COVID-19 news and many more, including live video alerts and breaking news. You can relate the coverage of George Floyd’s funeral as a good example and some other breaking news alerts on Coronavirus cases.

More updates from Facebook

Facebooks is now testing news video and sooner than later, it will be established fully as it has also introduced a local news section to Facebooks news. The Latter brings thousands more on local and regional public news to more than 6,000 towns and cities.


They now have over 200 general news publishers and more local outlets. You won’t be left to an update as a Facebook user because it keeps you up with local stories over the “Today In” Experience. This has become a separate tab of its own on Facebook. Remember that Facebook is working on trying to combine this tab’s content with Facebook News to make its News section a single place for users to keep up with local news.

Can I tell you! This News feature is live now on mobile but not yet been launched on the desktop tab.