Customizing Your Pandora Stations – fastest way to mix up songs

A song that is a major hit may not tickle your fancy at all. Everyone has a unique taste as far as music is concerned. Pandora, an online streaming service, provides users with the ability to create their own personal radio stations populated by their favorite artists and songs. That is to say, you can customize or personalize your playlist instead of going through the stress of hitting ‘Thumbs Down’ too often or wanting to skip songs.Customizing Your Pandora Stations - fastest way to mix up songs

The number of times you can skip songs, remember, is limited unless you have Pandora Plus. Continue reading to find out the fastest way to mix up songs through Pandora Stations.

The Fastest Way to Switch up the Mood of Your Station

After you’ve listened to one station for a while, you start hearing the same songs.


If you’ve become bored of your station or if you just want to hear songs from your other stations, too, you can use “Quick Mix”. On the Pandora app for media streamers or network home-theater devices (Blu-ray Disc player, Smart TV, some stereo, and many home theater receivers), you can Quick Mix all of your stations together to play the music that fits criteria from any of your stations.


On the Pandora web browser player and app smartphones, you can specify stations you want to mix to control the mood of the music you are playing. Moreover, it’s also possible to listen to Pandora radio stations offline.

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Quick Mix is temporary and will not alter or customize the specific stations.

Pandora Stations

Tips to improve stations – Pandora Help › article › Tips-to-improve-sta…

For a more stylistically-focused station, try creating stations with songs or tracks instead of artists. Using song seeds rather than artist seeds can result in

Create, edit and delete stations – Pandora Help › article › Create-a-Station-15…

Add variety, edit and delete stations … To edit your stations on the web: … Click on the title of the station you’d like to edit to go to the station’s details.

Solved: Station Repetition – Pandora Community › My-Collection › td-p

Add Variety: To add more variety to your artist or song based stations, you can select additional artist and/or song seeds. You can Add Variety …

More quickly refine a station – Pandora Community › My-Collection › td-p

Review your station. When stations are playing songs wildly out of place, or songs that aren’t fitting within that station’s sound, you should …

How to Fine Tune Your Station Further by Combining Tools

If you are committed to fine-tuning your station, in time you can get it just the way you like it. You must be consistent and dedicated to finding the right mix of variables to get exactly what you want.

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Use Thumbs Down Frequently. If a song doesn’t fit that station, give it Thumbs Down. Thumbs Down will not affect the song showing up on your other stations. Over time, Pandora will eliminate qualities that you don’t find important. You have to be consistent.

Use Thumbs Up Occasionally also. This allows you to reinforce the songs that fit in with the station.

Create Several Stations

As you listen to your station, you may find a song that is closer to the mood you are looking to create. Use that song to create a new station. On a media streamer or another compatible device, you can click on “create station” and type in the name of the song.

Try creating a number of stations using similar songs, then employ the Thumbs Down strategy to refine the stations. Once you create the perfect station, remove the other testing stations.

If none of those songs work, think of the qualities you want in the station. Perhaps a song you don’t love is a better match and could create the station.

When creating test stations, you may want to group them together. Rename the stations with a letter and number to keep them together in the station list — “A01,” “A02,” “A03”, and so on.

How to Get More Variety

Conversely, it’s possible to create a station with a greater variety of songs and moods.

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Add more seed songs or seed artists. You can use the “add variety” button on your computer or you can add songs to the station page.

Be generous with the use of Thumbs Up. The more music you like, the more qualities that will be used in the selection of songs for that station, thereby creating more variety.

Use “I’m Tired of This Song.” This option is on most network media players and network devices. Click on this option rather than using the Thumbs Down, which will narrow the types of music played.

Once you get conversant with, and take advantage of Pandora’s programming and setting options, you are well on your way to controlling your personal music listening experience.