A PDF password removal is a tool that finds, removes, or bypasses the security on a PDF file which prevents a person from opening, changing, and printing it.BEST FREE PDF PASSWORD REMOVAL TOOLS - bypasses the security

Some PDF password cracker tools recover the PDF user password, some recover the PDF owner password and others remove the PDF owner password allowing full access to the PDF file.

An individual PDF password removal tool might only be used for removing or cracking a password of a certain kind, for a certain security level, and encrypting a certain version of PDF. In most countries, PDF password crackers are used to break the security in only a PDF file that you have the permission to do so on.

The majority of PDF password removal tools cost money but there are also free ones available. The best of these include:



For those who want to recover PDF passwords, the PDFCrack is the best free recovery tool available. It recovers both the user and the owner’s password from encrypted PDFs. It uses a brute-force password recovery method, enabling you to know the actual owner or user password. The tool is completely portable and it downloads quickly.

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However, the tool hasn’t been updated since 2008.


Top 5 Best PDF Password Remover for Windows in 2021 › pdf

By using this software you can bypass the encryption on any PDF while keeping the data secured. Are PDF Password Remover tools safe to use? Yes, absolutely!

Top 6 Free PDF Password Remover Online Tools › pdf-security › pdf-password-r…

How to remove PDF passwords online for free? This review will offer you 3 online free PDF password remover solutions that you can consider.

Best PDF Password Remover Software of 2022 › best-pdf-password-remove…

This PDF password remover software is compatible with all the versions of Windows and Mac; It is capable of cracking the password of the locked …

5 Best Free PDF Password Remover – Wondershare … › top-pdf-software › free-…

Here are the top 5 PDF password removers for you. Any of them can help you effectively remove password from your PDF documents.

  1. PDF Unlocker

This is a PDF removal tool that finds the owner password of a PDF file. It is a regular Windows application thereby making it easy to use. PDF Unlocker finds the actual owner password from an encrypted PDF. It uses either brute force or a dictionary password recovery method. Though it is good at obtaining the owner’s password, the passwords cannot be found for PDFs protected with 256-bit encryption.

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Furthermore, the password cannot be cracked if it is longer than three characters.

  1. PDF Crypt

This is a  command-line PDF password removal. All you need to do is specify the input and output PDF and a decrypted PDF file is instantly generated. It is easy to use with detailed instructions, very portable, and quickly downloaded.

It however does not find an owner or user password and it is limited to 128-bit encryption.

  1. GuaPDF Demo

This is a PDF password removal as well as a recovery tool. It is primarily a password removal recovery tool for the owner password but can also be used as a PDF password recovery tool for 40-bit encrypted user passwords.

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GuaPDF is also called Guaranteed PDF Decrypter. It is easy to use and does not require installation. It is fully functional for small files, working across almost all PDF versions and encryption levels. However, it doesn’t do well with large PDFs.

  1. PDF Password Removal

This tool is easy to use because of its very simple PDF-in/PDF-out interface. It is a PDF password removal tool for the PDF owner password. The tool can auto-open the PDF after deleting the password.

It is however not portable and does not support some of the higher encryption levels.