Aperture and iPhoto – photo manager that can keep track of your images

There are good photo management applications that can Aperture and iPhoto on your Mac. If you’re already tired of these two and you’re not just looking for a photo editor but a photo manager that can help you keep track of your images; then you need to try out any of the photo management apps listed below:Aperture and iPhoto - photo manager that can keep track of your images

  • Photos

This is Apple’s replacement for iPhoto. Photos will be a pretty good replacement for iPhoto users; Aperture users, not so much.

  • Adobe Lightroom

Aperture and Lightroom have long been the top professional photo management apps for the Mac. Many photographers have built their photo workflow using one or the other as the key image management app in their businesses. Lightroom may be a logical direction to move in, but first Adobe will need to come up with a graceful and easy way to migrate Aperture libraries, as well as offer equivalent workflow utilities.

Lightroom is available for $119.88 with a one-year subscription that includes Photoshop CC; a demo is available.

  • AfterShot Pro 2

Corel’s photo management and editing app is worth a try. Its RAW conversion speed and bulk processing capabilities make AfterShot a leading contender when it comes to a pro photographer’s workflow needs. It also includes a photo asset management system, with a very fast search and tagging system. AfterShot 2 will be offered with a special Aperture competitive upgrade price of $59.99. The standard price is $79.99; a demo is available.

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Aperture and iPhoto

7 Photo Management Apps to Replace Aperture and iPhoto

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A good photo management app allows you to track all your images in one location with cloud access and organizational tools.

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Our recommended list of the 12 best photo organizing software for Mac users for filing, categorizing and managing your digital assets.

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Your image manager will have the information it needs, stored away, to be able put … Aperture, Photos is now the only photo managing application Apple is

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Photo management software will help you sort your photos based on dates, … Apple Photos app which replaced the iPhoto and Aperture apps.

  • Lyn

This lightweight and very fast media browser can replace many of the basic features of iPhoto and even some features of Aperture. It provides editing tools that are easy to use and supports a wide range of image types. Lyn is $20; a demo is available.

  • Unbound

The Unbound from Pixite, is a fast photo manager that will leave iPhoto libraries in the dust when it comes to organizing and viewing photos. Unbound uses standard Finder folders for image organization, which can make backup and recovery of images a bit easier. Unbound is available in the Mac App Store for $9.99; a demo is available.

  • Emulsion

The emulsion is a pro-level cataloging app, which happens to be available at an attractively low price. It offers many of the library management capabilities found in the departed Aperture and iPhoto apps. It has the ability to assign an external image editor that will be used by Emulsion for photo manipulation. The emulsion can also make use of an Aperture plug-in you may already have.

  • Graphic Converter

Graphic Converter from Lemke Software is an old standby for Mac users who need to perform basic image format conversions as well as limited editing. The newest versions of this app bring more powerful editing functions and the ability to work directly with image libraries you’ve created on your Mac.