Do you have good credit? Is your account in good standing? If yes, this information is for you. For keeping your account in good shape, sometimes, you will receive an offer from Bank America.
The offer will come to you via mail. Presently, Bank America is giving customers the opportunity to apply for BankAmericard. As a customer, you can apply for it online. The application can be done by mail or by phone.
Bank of America Mynewcard Online Offer
There are a few steps you will take to apply for the BankAmericard. The steps can only be taken by those who have received an invitation in the mail.
- Visit
- Enter your personal secure code
For you to get your personal secure code, visit your credit card offer letter in your mail. You will see the 15 digit code in the middle of the letter.
- Enter your zip code
- Click on the Continue button
To complete the online BankAmericard Mastercard application, you are to enter the following details:
- Name
- Phone number
- Email address
- Physical residence address
- Housing status
- Monthly housing payment
- Social security number
- Date of birth
- Employment status
- Annual income
The online process is considered to be the fastest. Also, it is the most convenient process for many applicants. Once the application is completed, you will receive a feedback in few minutes.
Apply by Mail
Do you wish to apply for BankAmericard through the mail? What you will do is complete the paper application. The paper application is attached to the mailer you received
You will remove the mailer and submit it back with the self-addressed envelope.
It usually takes 7 days or so to process the application. Within these 7 days, you will receive feedback of acceptance or decline for your application. Due to the delay, it is better to apply online at This will make it faster. Recommended Credit Card Offers
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Apply by phone
If you want to apply by phone through Customer Service, call: 1-888-224-8735
bankAmericard Features
- No annual fee
- Credit limit not less than $500
- 0% intro APR for 18 billing circles for purchases and for a balance transfer made in the first 60 days afterward a variable APR that is currently 19.24% will apply
- No penalty APR
- Access your FICO score for free within online banking or your mobile app
- $0 Liability Guarantee
- Chip technology
- Access online banking
- Mobile banking
- Utilize account alerts
- 24-hour tracking system for detecting unusual activity
- 24-hour customer service
- Access to thousands of ATM and financial centers
0% intro APR for the first 18 statement closing dates following the opening of your account – afterward 19.24%
Balance transfers – 0% intro APR for the 18 statement closing dates following the opening of your account for transactions made within 60 days of opening your account – afterward 19.24%
Cash advances – 22.24% for direct deposit and checks cash advances – 27.24% for bank cash advances
Balance transfer and cash advance – either $10 or 5% of the amount of each transaction, whichever is greater
Late payment up to $39
Return payment up to $28
Do you need any assistance with your personal secure code? You can call 1-800-932-2775 for immediate help.