Penn Credit Pay Center – helping you recover your money from debtors

Penn Credit Pay Center is a third-party debt collection agency. They specialize in helping creditors recover their money from debtors who have not paid their debts. If you recently got a debt recovery letter through the mail from Penn Credit Pay Center, you can start paying your debt through them.

Penn Credit Pay Center

Penn Credit Corporation

Penn Credit is a nationwide accounts receivables management firm. For over 30 years, we have recovered monies owed our clients quickly and efficiently in a …

Services – Penn Credit Corporation › services

Penn Billing’s former PFS Managers and skilled billing/recovery staff can provide your organization with additional resources focused on cash acceleration .

CONSUMER FAQ – Penn Credit Corporation › consumer-faq

Consumer FAQ. 1. How can I make a payment to Penn Credit? Phone: Call toll-free 1-800-900-1380 to pay by Visa, MasterCard, or Discover Credit or Debit or …

Before You Proceed To Make Payments,

consult one of their representatives to verify your debt. Make sure it is the exact amount you owe that is written there. If not, start immediately to work and correct the figures. Additionally, schedule your payment option. This involves deciding how much you can afford to pay monthly or yearly, payment dates, and how long you will pay off your debts. After making these arrangements, you can proceed to start making your payments. It is very important to agree on what you are certain you can pay monthly.

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Moreover, Penn Credit Pay Center has an online payment platform. The website is  It makes your payment fast, easy, and convenient. Individuals can make a one-time payment to completely pay off their debts or make monthly payments as they can afford.  Once you pay through the platform your payment will reflect on your account within 3 working days. Paying through mail attracts some service charges and takes about 7 working days to process due to mail travel.

Additionally, individuals can as well pay through

Checks, by phone, Western Union Quick Collect, Money Gram, regular or priority mail. You can pay through phone 6 days a week between 8 am and 8 pm from Monday to Thursday, 8 am to 5 pm on Friday and 9 am to 1 pm on Saturdays. To pay by phone, call the customer service line written in the mail you got. In case you want to pay through mail, submit your payment slip on the debt collection letter and your complete credit card details. They accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover It.

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Once at the website, supply your claim or control number. It is an 8 digit code written on your Penn Credit Pay Center letter. Also, enroll in your 5 digit zip code. Supply the number in the Pay Now field, Click the pay now, and enter your payment option. On the online portal, customers can only use bank drafts from their checking account to make payments. Make sure to enroll your bank`s routing number and account number you intend to use for the payment.

Make your payments

at the due date, you scheduled with Penn Credit Pay Center to avoid problems. In case you cannot pay on time, inform the customer service or the agent you spoke to at first before you started making payment. He may help you to reschedule another payment option. Paying your debt is a way of gaining your financial freedom. Once you start paying, continue until you pay off the debts completely. Pay your debt and gain financial freedom today.