INTRODUCTION TO Microsoft Word – processing program that is powerful

Microsoft Word is the most popular package in the Microsoft Office Suite. It looks very simple but not everyone knows the features hidden behind the menu, many just see it as a notepad.INTRODUCTION TO Microsoft Word - processing program that is powerful

Microsoft Word is a word processing program from Microsoft with the most current version in Office 365. Microsoft Word is included in all Microsoft Office application suites. The most basic (and least expensive) suites also include Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Excel. Additional suites exist and include other Office programs, such as Microsoft Outlook and Skype for Business.

Microsoft Word is a word processing program that is more powerful than it looks. When you want to go beyond just typing with little or no formats, you need to understand how to use Microsoft Word.


With Microsoft Word, you can choose from a variety of preconfigured styles and designs, which provides an easy way to format long documents with just a single click. You can also insert pictures and videos from your computer and the internet, draw shapes, and create and insert all kinds of charts.

If you’re writing a book or creating a brochure, which you can’t do effectively (or at all) in WordPad, you can use the features in Microsoft Words to set margins and tabs, insert page breaks, create columns, and even configure the spacing between lines.

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There are also features that let you create a table of contents with a single click. You can insert footnotes too, as well as headers and footers. There are options to create bibliographies, captions, a table of figures, and even cross-references.

Microsoft Word

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Do You Have Microsoft Word In Your System?

You might already have a version of Microsoft Words on your computer, tablet, or even your phone. Before you make a purchase you should find out.

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To see if you have Microsoft Word installed on your Windows device:

  • From the Search window on the Taskbar (Windows 10), the Start screen (Windows 8.1), or from the Search window on the Start menu (Windows 7), type msinfo32 and press Enter.
  • Click the + sign beside Software Environment.
  • Click Program Groups.
  • Look for a Microsoft Office entry.
  • To find out if you have a version of Word on your Mac, look for it in the Finder sidebar, under Applications.

Where to Get Microsoft Word

If you are sure you don’t already have a Microsoft Office suite, you can get the latest version of Microsoft Word with Office 365. Office 365 is a subscription though, something you pay for monthly. If you’re not interested in paying monthly, consider purchasing Office outright. You can compare and purchase all of the available editions and suites at the Microsoft Store. Some employers, community colleges, and universities offer Office 365 free to their employees and students.

Versions of Microsoft Word

Over the years there have been many versions of the Microsoft Office suite. Most of these versions came with lower-priced suites that only included the most basic apps (often Word, PowerPoint, and Excel), to higher-priced suites that included some or all of them (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, OneNote, SharePoint, Exchange, Skype, and more). These suite editions had names like “Home and Student” or “Personal”, or “Professional”. There are too many combinations to list here, but what’s important to note is that Word is included with any suite you can buy.

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Here are the recent Microsoft Office Suites that also contain Word:

  • The Word Online (or Word 365) is available and updated regularly in Office 365.
  • Secondly, Word 2016 is available in Office 2016.
  • Thirdly, Word 2013 was available in Office 2013.
  • Fourthly, Word 2010 was available in Office 2010.
  • Next, Word 2007 was included with Office 2007.
  • Word 2003 was included with Office 2003.
  • Finally, Word 2002 was included in Office XP.