How to Access and Read Google Chat LoGs/History

At times we might have a need to make reference to an old conversation with a friend on Google Chat. Accessing the Google Chat LoGs/History between you and your friends is easy. First, you need to have a Gmail account as Google Chat history is only available to users with a Gmail account.How to Access and Read Google Chat LoGs/History

There are two ways to find the Google Google Chat LoGs/History, which will be discussed in this article, you will also learn how to have off-the-record conversations with your friends.

How to Find and Read Google Chat Logs

Option #1 (Desktop or laptop computer):

  • Log in to Gmail using your Google screen name and password.
  • Click on the menu on the left side of the screen to expand the options. You’re looking for the “Chat” option which may be under the “More” link on the left, so you may have to click to expand it.
  • Click on the “Chat” option.
  • The “inbox” section of the screen will now be filled with a list of the names of the people that you’ve had prior chats with.
  • Click on the chat that you’d like to review. Once opened, you’ll see the chat history with a particular person. The most recent messages will be at the bottom. Simply scroll up to see older messages.

Google Chat LoGs/History

Google saves your old chat logs – How to view and clear them › security-privacy › google-…

How to find your chat history · Open Gmail on your desktop · On the left-hand panel, click More · Scroll down until you see Chats and click it · The …

Turn chat history on or off for users – Google Help › answer

Under Organizational Units, select the domain or organizational unit you want to apply settings to. Turn history On or Off. If you turn history On, you can use

How do i see all my old hangouts chat – Google Help › hangouts › thread › how-…

Click Unarchive conversation. To access your chat history: Click the Chats label in your Gmail account. If you don’t see the Chats label in ..

How to Check Chat History in Gmail – Nerds Chalk › how-to-check-chat-history-in-…

Go to and log in with your credentials. On the left of your screen, you will see the chats and Rooms you have access to. Now

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Option #2 (Desktop or laptop computer, or a mobile device):

  • Log in to Gmail using your Google screen name and password
  • Click into the search bar at the top of the screen
  • Enter “in: chats” and click the blue magnifying glass
  • The “inbox” section of the screen will now be filled with a list of the names of the people that you’ve had prior chats with​.
  • Click on the chat that you’d like to review. Once opened, you’ll see the chat history with a particular person. The most recent messages will be at the bottom. Simply scroll up to see older messages.

Tip: If you are looking for a chat with a particular person or regarding a particular topic you can enter additional search criteria into the search bar. For instance, if you add “John Smith” to your search (by typing in: chats John Smith into the search bar, then your chat history with John Smith will appear. If you add “homework” to your search (by entering in chats homework into the search bar, then chats that include the word “homework” will appear.

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How to Make Sure There is No Record of Your Chat

Go off the record in Google chat

What if you want to have a conversation via Google Chat, but you don’t want a record of it? It’s easy to modify a setting that will turn chat logging off, just follow these steps:

  • Firstly, log in to Gmail using your Google screen name and password
  • Secondly, open a chat window by clicking on the name of the person you want to chat with
  • Click on “More” in the upper right of the chat window
  • Select “Go off the record”
  • Selecting this option will ensure that no record of your chat is created.