How can I See Hidden Friend List on Facebook

How can I See Hidden Friend List on Facebook

Yes!  You can actually see a hidden friend list on Facebook but how? The question “How” is what we will look into right in the below paragraphs of this article.  Facebook has now been modified that friend lists can be hidden from some certain people or the public as a whole but this can still be seen if you wish to.

How can I see the Hidden Friend List on Facebook?

Gone are the days that people easily access Facebook friend lists as a result of been deformed!            Hiding your friends on Facebook is also a medium to secure your account to avoid been clone in recent times. Avoid your account to be managed by a group of cloners by taking strong steps like hiding your Facebook friend list.

See Hidden Friend on Facebook

You can only see friends on someone’s profile from the mutual friends in as much as the friends where hidden. Now what this means is that those which you have as friends are those you can see from the mutual friends even though the friend list of that person is hidden.

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But there are other means that you can also see hidden friends which you will show you after creating your Facebook account.

Steps to create an account on Facebook

You can only execute this task if you are a Facebook user whereby you get to add friends and have friends in common with others (mutual friends). From there, you can see someone’s profile where friends are hidden via mutual friends.

But just like I told you that you can there is a way you get to see hidden friends other than mutual friends.

  • Logon to the Facebook website at or use the Facebook app if you have one on your device.
  • For those using the web, locate and click on “Create account” link to take you to the next page
  • Fill in the required information int the form boxes.
  • Ensure you enter a valid email address or mobile number that is correct and valid at your reach.
  • Click on “Sign up” at the bottom of the page and continue the signup process
  • Verify your account with the code sent to your mobile number or email depending on the requirement you provided
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Successfully you will create an account for yourself. Proceed to add up your friends and follow a guide from Facebook to set up another part of your account.

Over to how to see someone’s hidden friend list on Facebook with the aid of social Revealer!

Hidden friend list reviewed with Revealer

  • Visit the Google Chrome web store and install social revealer.
  • Install the app and open up your Facebook page at
  • Log in your account
  • Move to the profile of the person you want to see.
  • Open the Social revealer extension and look out for “see friends”. Click on it.
  • Then a new tab will be opened containing a list of all Facebook user’s Facebook friends. ‘

This is how you can access someone’s friends.

View Someone’s Hidden Friends On Facebook without Social Revealer

  • Log in to Facebook and move to the profile page of the person you want to see the friend list.
  • View any image or post made by the person. After opening the post or image, look for “fbid=” when you see it, copy the number after it and stop before the “&” character.
  • Now create a new tab and paste the code you copied. Something like this  and edit the number between “Search//friends” to the one you copied earlier (Search/……/friends).
  • Click on “enter” to search and a list of the entire person’s friend would be displayed.

About Chris Git

I am an SEO person with over five years of experience. I am mostly into product lunch and review. I feed on tech, Dring Tech, and Dream tech. My hobby is knowing how everything works. You are welcome to my world of content development and product review at I am also a financial analyst with an organization. It has been my sincere interest to help people solve their issues on credit cards. There are lots of questions in the mind of many credit card users. These range from which credit card is best? How many credit cards should I have?

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