Best Places to Get Free Music Download

When it comes to downloading free music online, there are many websites out there that offer one. Thus the aim of this article is to enable you to save time you would have used weeding through tons of websites to give you the best places you can get free music downloads in one touch.Best Places to Get Free Music Download

These free music websites enable you to download free music in high-quality MP3 format, which means they can be played on your computer, phone, or tablet and you can also download and save them to keep them yours for life.

All free music downloads are legal because they are either public domain or, in most cases, the artists have given permission for you to download and enjoy their song.

Free Music Download Site


Amazon offers thousands and thousands of free music downloads at, which makes it one of the favorite spots for music lovers who want to download either new or old music legally.

Here, you can see all the free music downloads by selecting a genre or sorting by popularity, release date, length of the song, reviews, or in alphabetical order by title, artist, or album.

Free Music Download

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Jan 21, 2022 — The 7 best sites you can use to download free music ; Free Music Archive. Free Music Archive. FMA has a wealth of free music in a slew of genres.

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Top 15 Music Download Websites | 2021 · 1. SoundCloud · 2. ReverbNation · 3. Jamendo · 4. SoundClick · 5. Audiomack · 6. Audionautix · 7. NoiseTrade · 8 …

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The Best Free Music Download Sites | PCMag › News › Music & Audio

The Best Free Music Download Sites · Bandcamp · DatPiff · Free Music Archive · The Internet Archive · Jamendo Music · · Musopen · ReverbNation.

On Amazon, you can play the songs before you download them to your device, but when you are ready to save the songs to your computer, add the item to your cart. After that, you can check out as if you were purchasing something. You will be navigated to a link to download the free music, and it can also be saved in the Digital Orders tab of your order history.

The pros

  • You have access to sort the list of music downloads.
  • It offers several avenues to filter and refine the list of downloads.
  • The songs on Amazon can be previewed.

The Cons

  • It is only the music through the link below that is free; other music on Amazon is not.
  • The download process can be a bit confusing.
  • You will need to log in to your Amazon account to download the music.

Jamendo Music

The free music downloads on Jamendo Music are made available via Creative Commons licensing, implying that the artists themselves have decided to give out their music for free for music lovers to enjoy. The best free music downloads apps for android is Jamendo Music.

New music can be discovered at Jamendo by viewing the most popular music as well as the songs that are trending. Here, you’ll also get the latest music filter to see recently added songs as well as search for artists that you know,  to see if their music is available for download.

You can also browse your free music through the playlist.

Jamendo also enables you to stream music instead of downloading it. Jamendo Music has free apps available for Android, iOS, and Windows if you do not want to use your web browser.

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The Pros

  • Stream music
  • It offers mobile apps that you can use.
  • There are lots of ways to browse for music downloads.
  • It comes with an online radio function.

The Cons

Free downloads do not come in HD quality.

Downloads are in MP3 only, with no option for other formats.

You must make a free user account to be able to download the music. offers several pages of free music downloads that encompass all genres. On this portal, you can browse through free downloads by category, new releases, coming soon, or by simply looking through the whole list.

With just one click selection, you can download your song choice.

Other than free music downloads, you can also stream tons of songs and get recommendations of bands you love. complete your free download music mp3 here.

The Pros

  • You can download just with one click.
  • No user account is required.
  • You can preview most songs before downloading them.

The Cons

  • It’s difficult to search for free music only.
  • MP3 is the only download option available.


ReverbNation is a good place for those looking to download from artists you do not yet know.

Not every song you see on ReverbNation can be downloaded, even though it is all streamable via your web browser. Downloadable songs here are indicated by a small download button next to the song.

The Discover page is a good start if you are not so sure of where to start looking for new music downloads at ReverbNation. Also to search by genre, you can use the Charts page.

The Pros

  • You can browse for downloads by genre.
  • Find up-and-coming artists
  • All the music can be streamed.

The Cons

  • You must create a user account to download some music.
  • Not every song is free for download.


Artists can easily share their music on Bandcamp in a “name your price” type of setting. This implies that while you can pay for the music, also another option is to put a zero in the payment box and download the song for free.


On the Discover page, you can find the best selling music at Bandcamp, additionally new arrivals and songs recommended by artists.

But on Bandcamp, not all songs can be downloaded for free but for the ones that do not have a minimum price; Select Buy Digital Track or buy now, by entering 0 in a box, choose “download to your computer”,  and follow through with the on-screen prompts to get the download.

At other times, they may not be a minimum price on entire albums, so you can use the Buy Digital Album option to get all of its songs for free.

The Pros

  • You can choose to pay if you feel like it.
  • You don’t need to create a user account
  • Enables you to download songs and full albums
  • It comes with lots of tracks you won’t find on other free music download sites.

The Cons

  • Do not have a “free only” page
  • Not every song you see is free for download.
  • You have to clearly state that, you are choosing not to pay for the music.

There you have them, you can now start your free music download and enjoy the music you love from your favorite artist and enjoy them offline at your leisure.

About Chris Git

I am an SEO person with over five years of experience. I am mostly into product lunch and review. I feed on tech, Dring Tech, and Dream tech. My hobby is knowing how everything works. You are welcome to my world of content development and product review at I am also a financial analyst with an organization. It has been my sincere interest to help people solve their issues on credit cards. There are lots of questions in the mind of many credit card users. These range from which credit card is best? How many credit cards should I have?

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