Free Job Posting Sites with High Traffic and 100% Free

There is free job posting sites with high traffic and 100% free access for employers to post jobs for free and still reach a large audience effectively.Free Job Posting Sites with High Traffic and 100% Free

Free Job Posting Sites

In no particular order, here are free job posting sites that you can leverage on;


On Handshake, you can connect with students and young alumni from over 500 colleges across the US.


Jora offers online job postings for free on its site. Through offering free job posting for employers, Jora is looking to build a similar business to Indeed

Free Job Posting Sites

21 Free Job Posting Sites that are High Traffic and 100% Free › … › Job Boards

What are the best free job posting sites? Indeed. Google for Jobs. Jora. Handshake. Ladders. AngelList. LinkedIn. Chegg Internships.

27 Best Free Job Posting Sites for 2022 – CareerCloud › news › best-free-job-posti…

Best Overall Free Job Posting Sites for Businesses ; Indeed. Indeed ; SimplyHired. SimplyHired ; Ladders. Ladders ; Job Spider. …

Best Free Job Posting Sites – 2022 – Chamber of › best-free-job-p…

Simply Hired is a job site aggregator, meaning it sends open positions to over 100 different career sites, including Indeed. It allows employers to post jobs …

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25 Best Free Job Posting Sites For Employers (2022) – Apollo … › best-free-job-posting…

Best Free Job Posting Sites For Employers (2022) · Indeed · Monster · Google for Jobs · Facebook · Post Job Free · Hubstaff Talent · Linkedin.

Google for Jobs

You Can include jobs in Google search results if formatted accurately.


Glassdoor has high traffic, and attracts great candidates, due to its prominent employer rating system. It allows 10 days of free job listings and it’s often ranked as the best place to post jobs for free. Glassdoor is a good addition to the free job posting sites out there.


With Indeed, you can be sure of high traffic job board in the U.S. Indeed allows absolute free job postings, with the option to boost visibility with pay per click ads and it is always the first place businesses go to post a job ad for free.


Learn4Good is a prized find amongst free places to post jobs. Here, you can post up to 20 for free over 6 months. You can post all 20 at once if you so desire.

Chegg Internships

Chegg Internships is a US-centric free job posting site aimed at hiring paid interns or interns paid with academic credit.

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On LinkedIn, you can’t post a job for free, but you can search for potential candidates on your own and get in touch with them for free if your network is big enough. Even though LinkedIn is not considered as one of the best free job posting websites for employers, it is actually a very efficient way to hire employees at a minimal cost.


Angellist is a totally free job posting site, that tends to reach people in the tech/startup world.


Ladders are another ideal place to list jobs for free online. It offers a free tier and paid postings to boost applicants, much like Indeed.


Wisestep is a full recruitment platform with free job posting options. It enables users to build talent pools and manage candidates.


Smartly is a general job posting site that uses a mix of human and artificial intelligence to make matches.


On Jobvertise, you can’t post free job ads, but rather it enables you to browse resumes for free, up to 10 per day. Tiered pricing plan does not allow for posting and reviewing more resumes.

Hubstaff Talent

Hubstaff Talent is a job board aimed at remote hiring and offers totally free job postings., as the name implies, is a free site for job postings. Simply scroll to their site and find out how to Post a Job for free. ranks well on Google for several job searches.

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Job Spider

This is a small job board inspired by Craigslist. Job Spider had traffic to its site declined in 2017 and is now more of a niche job board.


On Jobxoom, users can post jobs in any industry across the US and opt for free or paid posting options.


Scouted offers emerging talent depending on algorithm matches to your job posting. It is free to post on Scouted but attracts a fee when you get hired through it.


Startupers is a Craigslist kind of posting site for tech companies. Here, the posting is free, and every post is reviewed by a human being to prevent spam.

About Chris Git

I am an SEO person with over five years of experience. I am mostly into product lunch and review. I feed on tech, Dring Tech, and Dream tech. My hobby is knowing how everything works. You are welcome to my world of content development and product review at I am also a financial analyst with an organization. It has been my sincere interest to help people solve their issues on credit cards. There are lots of questions in the mind of many credit card users. These range from which credit card is best? How many credit cards should I have?

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