One very important step taken to protect your information is to encrypt it. Especially in these days where security and privacy are mostly talked about. Encrypting your data is especially important for devices that tend to get lost or stolen.

Encryption does more than bar a person from accessing the information on your mobile device. It makes the information therein unreadable or even useless to hackers that may actually get through to your messages.


How to Encrypt Data on an iOS and Android Device | EFANI

https://www.efani.com › blog › how-to-encrypt-data-on.

Encrypt your Android and iOS devices by following the steps below. Once completed, you will only need to input a password to decrypt your data when turning …

How to encrypt your iOS or Android device – CNET

https://www.cnet.com › Tech › Mobile

Keep your personal data protected in a few easy steps.

How to Encrypt Android Devices in 2021: Securing Your Phone

https://www.cloudwards.net › Articles › Online Security

Enter the Android settings · Tap “security” or “security & location” · Select “encryption & credentials” and/or “encrypt phone” · Dismiss the …

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How to Get the Most Out of Your Smartphone’s Encryption

https://www.wired.com › Security › encryption

Both iPhones and Androids are encrypted by default. But there are steps you can take to safeguard your data on backups and messaging apps.

How to Encrypt Your Devices – Spread Privacy

https://spreadprivacy.com › how-to-encrypt-devices

How to encrypt your Mac, Windows PC, iPhone and Android, to keep your dataand privacy safe.

Strong encryption provides extra protection for your personal information. For mobile professionals working in certain industries such as finance and healthcare, encrypting is compulsory. All devices that store or access customers’ personally identifiable information must be secured in compliance with the law.


Steps needed to encrypt data on iPhone or iPad devices are:

  1. Firstly, open your iOS device, open the Settings app, and select Touch ID and passcode
  2. Secondly, enter your passcode
  3. Thirdly, select Turn Passcode On if not enabled already

The pin or passcode not only creates a lock screen, it encrypts the iPhone or iPad data. A longer passcode is generally better.

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Information encrypted with this method include messages, emails, attachments, and data from certain apps that offer data encryption.


In encrypting your android data, make sure your device is well charged. The following steps encrypt data on android.

  1. Firstly, open your device, set a password of at least six characters that contains one number or more
  2. Secondly, select settings, then security and encrypt the device. Some phones would need you to choose storage, then storage encryption, lock screen, and then security
  3. Also, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process

The device may restart several times during the encryption process. The downside to encrypting data on Android devices is that it takes longer for you to log in to your device because each time you do decrypts data. Also, the only way to decrypt the data is through a factory reset of the device.

All these help to keep the information on your cell phone safe.


When files are encrypted, they are scrambled to the point that they are unusable unless they are decrypted.

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Encryption is however slow for large files or a large number of files and it’s only useful for data you don’t access every day.

If you don’t store sensitive information like banking, tax, and health records on your computer, you don’t need to use encryption. It is most relevant to persons concerned with data breaches.

There is plenty of free disk encryption program that can encrypt everything on the computer. They force a user to provide the decryption password before the operating system loads. These encryption programs include:


  1. TrueCrypt
  2. 7-Zip