Do you work for a company and at present you haven’t signed up for health benefits? If so, what are you waiting for? Why not use the Benetrac`s  Online Enrollment website? The platform allows you as a new employee to enroll for health benefits and plans.
These plans are very important especially when you have health issues to solve and they are likely to come. When you don`t have health benefit plans as an employee, you will have a hard time fixing health issues and that of your dependent relatives. If you are an old employee, the online portal can as well be useful to you.
Old employees can as well use the platform to change their health plans and do a lot of reviews on their accounts. The website is very easy to use and convenient.
Benetrac Online Open Enrollment
However, to access the website, enroll your Employee ID, Username and Password. In case you do not know your employee ID, contact the Human Resources Department of your company to get it. You will not have a problem getting this from the department, just contact them.
Ensure that your Username is the initial of your first name and your complete last name without spaces and hyphens (example, if your name is Love Philips, your username will be Philips). Your password must be the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number.
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This unique username and password are for new employees. After your first login, you can change the username and password to whatever you can easily remember. However, if you are comfortable with it, you can continue using the username and Password like that.
After logging into your account, you can review the information on it and make any necessary adjustments. The website gives room for individuals to take care of a lot of things on their own even without the help of anyone. You can as well add dependents, spouse, change home address and any other personal information you want. In your account, you will find your health enrollments as well as all your employee details.
To make changes in your health plan, go to the Manage Benefit Section and follow the instructions there. You can review the changes you have made and finalize them. In areas that you are having a problem, you can check the Frequently Asked Questions Section.
You will see a lot of questions and their answers on most of the challenges you are likely to encounter. But anyone that the answer is not there, you can still contact the Human Resources Department for help. Do not worry, they will give you the assistance you need.