In case you recently got a phone call concerning your debt you can book AmeriCollect to help you pay off your debts with convenience. AmeriCollect Inc is a third party debt collection agency that helps People with serious debts make arrangements and pay off their debts completely.
Americollect  Pay Dept – Americollect Inc
This firm has an online debt payment platform called AmeriCollect Online Payment Portal. Before going to this website to start paying your debts, you have to contact an Americollect Customer care representative and schedule an arrangement with him/her.
In the arrangement, reach a conclusion on how much you will pay monthly and when to make the payments. This step is very important because the agent thoroughly guides you on how to pay your debts from start to finish.
He/she can as well help you in some cases to reduce your debt to what you can pay. The firm will send you a billing statement through mail showing your reference code, User ID and Password that you can use to access the website.
Americollect Website
When you reach the website, enroll your User ID and Password as supplied to you in the billing statement you received from the debt collector. This will allow you to log into the website securely.
From here, you can see the balance of your debt as well as the payment options you have access to. The payment options include paying through checking account, credit card, money order, bank draft, payment due dates and lots more. The payments you make do not attract any additional charge to your account at all.
Moreover, in case you can pay all your debts just once, you are free to do so through the online portal. However, you must have discussed this with the Americollect Representative that you contacted at first.
Americollect customer care – Call Americollect
The Americollect customer care line is 1-888-682-0396. Another important thing is to always pay your debts on or before the payment due date. This is very important to avoid further financial debts.
In a situation that you cannot meet up, it is important to notify the representative you made the initial arrangement with. In the online portal, you can set a feature that gives you a notification on when to pay on a monthly basis. This will keep you from forgetting at all.
Whenever you make any payment, record it somewhere and think of all the benefits that come from having financial freedom. Continue making payments to completely offset your debts, you won`t regret it.
Do you know that if you do not want to use the online service to pay your debts monthly, you can pay it through the phone at 1-Â 800-838-0100. You can as well use the pay by mail option to detach your payment slip from your past due balance letter and mail with a check or credit card.
Deciding to pay your debts is a great way of completely freeing yourself from financial slavery. Take the decision today and call AmeriCollect to help you pay off all your debts with ease.