6 Sources of Free Cash for Student Loans To Pay Down Your Loan

It is either you are on a mission to put away your student loans by paying off or you make way into getting cash for student loan payment free.6 Sources of Free Cash for Student Loans To Pay Down Your Loan

Have you heard about the cash rebate programs that directly deposit the money you earn from purchase rebates to your student loan account quarterly? Also, cash-back credit cards help you save up money so that you can make extra student loan payments.

Three websites that pay

Free Cash for Student Loans. We got you covered with the best websites that allow you to earn cash because of shopping and this will help you pay down your student loan.

11 Best Free Grants To Pay Off Your Student Loans – Forbes

https://www.forbes.com › advisor › 11-best-free-grants-…

Grants to Pay Off Student Loans · 1. Department of Justice Attorney Student Loan Repayment Program (ASLRP) · 2. Indian Health Service (IHS)

9 Grants to Pay Off Student Loans and End Your Debt

https://studentloanhero.com › … › Featured

Yes, grants to pay off student loans really do exist. You can find these student loan grants via federal and state government-funded programs as

Pay Off Student Loans Fast With 7 Strategies – NerdWallet

https://www.nerdwallet.com › Student Loans

Make extra payments the right way · 2. Refinance if you have good credit and a steady job · 3. Enroll in autopay · 4. Make biweekly payments

The 11 Best Side Hustles for Paying Off Student Loans – Nitro …

https://www.nitrocollege.com › blog › 11-best-side-hust…

Here is we recommended 11 best side hustles for earning extra cash so that you can pay off your student loans faster.

UPromise: Save up and pay down your loan

This website can be reached using the URL www.upromiise.com. They are known for helping parents (mom and dad) to save for their child’s college just by shopping online and in-person in thousands of stores across the country. Your rebates are going to be deposited quarterly as a payment on a Sallie Mae student loan or sent as a check and then you can now present it and pay off a student loan.

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There are several offers on this platform just because you have in-person options at grocery stores and restaurants, and also at online shopping.

How it works

For instance, when you sign up for the dining program and shop for like two times in a month and makes shopping for $40 each time. This automatically earns you 8% of each purchase. Let’s assume that you buy a pair watch for $60 with a rebate of 10%. Instantly there, you have made a rebate of $12.40 to add to your student loan payment just by shopping. It can add up more than $100 free money in a year.

The principle here says that while you spend more, you earn more. There are certain groceries that help you save more for your student payment bounty.


The aim of this platform and some other listed platforms here is to help you save by spending. You can visit them on www.gradegold.com. They offer rebates for shopping you do regularly, but the money is saved to accounts for students with loans offered by AES. Online shopping will also fetch you a rebate.

How it works

If you will buy from them, there are about 12 stores you can purchase from. Now assuming you the whole buying you did ended up $45 worth of items with a 10% rebate, you have saved $4.50 by just one purchase. No matter what you are shopping for, you are making rebates and can be put forward to paying off your student loan.

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Rakuten: also a rebate program

Rakuten offers you a percentage over online shopping and it will be deposited into a student loan account. However, the earnings you make by spending over shopping can be used to pay off your loans. The website is www.rekuten.com.

To get rebates, join the Ebates website and login into your account while you want to shop. Select the store you want to shop from. You will be guaranteed for payments when you consistently make at least $5.01 over a three months period to enable you to receive rebate payment. Better Business Bureau awards this platform as a reputable site with an “A” rating.

Three Credit Card Rewards Programs

Free Cash for Student Loans. Some credit card programs likewise a lot with annual fees offer cashback for your purchases. Some offer a bonus just by shopping over their website or bonus cash plus your cash-back earnings.

Bank of America’s UPromise Card

This bank of America UPromise card adds up for certain UPromise savings awards.  The card contributes an extra 10% to your UPromise savings on selected grocery items and bills on certain restaurants. Every purchase made with UPromise credit card qualifies for 1% cashback.

Making monthly expenses of $1,500 consistently for a year will fetch you $180 per year. Visiting a restaurant per month where you spend $40 at 10% bonus, offers you an extra 48 dollars. Aside from grocery savings or UPromise savings you would earn $226 for your student loan

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Chase Freedom Card

Chase Freedom card earns you with 1% cashback on everything, and 3% on certain everyday purchases like groceries and utilities. The bonus reward is also another offer over the online mail… If you spend just $600 a month in the 3% over a grocery purchase or utilities, you would earn $112 annually for your student loans. Assuming you make $900 monthly expenses at 1% return,   this will earn you with extra $108, and a total of $220. You will earn occasionally $300 while you shop online. Bonus abounds for the first year, offering you a $50 bonus. Cashback is in checks over here and you can use it to deposit for your student loan payoff.

Citi CashReturns MasterCard

You earn 1% cashback on all your purchases with a 20% cashback bonus at the end of the year with the Citi CashReturns MasterCard. Meanwhile, the rewards here aren’t spectacular; you will only get checks every time you reach $50 in rewards.

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