15 best Safari Extensions for iPhone and iPod touch

Finding mobile apps that feature Safari extensions is not as easy as it is on the web. Maybe due to the exclusivity of the iOS. If you’re using an iPhone and iPod touch running iOS 8 or above, we have compiled a long list of the best Safari Extensions you can use. While one may vary a bit from the other, they basically serve the same purpose.

best Safari Extensions

iOS 15 Safari Extensions Worth Checking Out – MacRumors

https://www.macrumors.com › guide › ios-15-safari-ext…

iOS 15 Safari Extensions Worth Checking Out · 1Password (Subscription Required) – For 1Password users, the 1Password extension allows users to …

iOS 15 / iPadOS 15 Safari Extensions: Here Are The Best Ones

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iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 now offer Safari extensions. Here are the best ones you can install on your iPhone or iPad right now.

22 Best Safari Extensions for iPhone and iPad in 2021 | Beebom

https://beebom.com › Best Gallery

Web extensions for Safari have arrived. Here is a list of the 22 best Safari extensions for iPhone and iPad that you should try right now

15 useful Safari extensions for iPhone and iPod Touch

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15 useful Safari extensions for iPhone and iPod Touch … We’ve listed some of the best options below, but made things easier. For more information on …

The 15 Best Safari Extensions of 2021 – Lifewire

https://www.lifewire.com › Browsers › Safari

At the touch of a button, you can open Honey to the side of Safari, and check out the coupons available to you. The extension offers up plenty …

  1. Asana / best Safari Extensions 

The popular project management tool has integrated itself with Safari for iOS with a Share Extension, found in the first row of the browser’s Share Sheet. As long as you are already authenticated with the Asana app. Selecting this extension lets you create a new task with the Web content that you are currently viewing. There is no longer a need to switch apps to quickly add an article, URL. Or another component to an existing project.

  1. Instapaper / best Safari Extensions 

This extension, which requires you to be logged into your account, saves the current Web page with a single tap on the Instapaper icon found in Safari’s Share Sheet. This is one of the simplest, yet most effective extensions on our list for storing Web content for future consumption.

  1. Bing Translator / best Safari Extensions 

An Action extension included with Microsoft’s search engine app, Bing Translator converts the active Web page to the language of your choice — the default being English. During translation, a progress indicator is displayed at the top of the browser window. The default language can be modified within the settings of the Bing app itself. With over three dozen options available.

  1. Day One / best Safari Extensions 

A highly-regarded journaling app for iOS, Day One offers a robust feature set that includes easy syncing with both Dropbox and iCloud. Its Share extension for Safari lets you quickly send links, text, and other content from the current Web page directly to your journal without having to switch apps or exit your browsing session.

  1. Evernote

Accompanying the popular note-taking app, the Evernote extension allows you to clip and share Web pages with a tap of the finger while browsing in Safari. You’re even given the ability to select a specific notebook to save the clip in, should you choose to do so. As with many iOS 8 extensions, you need to be signed in to Evernote for these features to work seamlessly.

  1. TranslateSafari

Another Action extension, TranslateSafari passes the active Web page to your choice of Bing or Google’s translation services in whatever language you choose with the tap of a button. In addition to translating text, this extension also offers to read the page contents out loud within its accompanying app. While several languages are available for the speaking feature, all require an in-app purchase except for English in a female voice.

  1. Tumblr

This extension is handy for active Tumblr blogger who tends to browse on the go, constantly sharing with their readers as they roam. Selecting the Tumblr icon from Safari’s Share Sheet automatically creates a post of the current Web page, letting you add it to your queue or publish it live to your microblog. Before using this extension you must first authenticate within the Tumblr app itself.

  1. OneNote

Users of Microsoft OneNote will like this extension. OneNote allows you to share a Web page to your chosen notebook and section — modifying the title and appending additional notes if you desire. Not only is the URL of the page stored, but a preview thumbnail is also included. These features, with exception of the image, are also available in offline mode.

  1. Pinterest

Pinterest users love saving pins to their personal or group boards, collecting and sharing everything from tasty recipes to inspiring works of art as they browse the Web. Located in the Share Extensions row. The Pinterest extension lets you ‘pin it to the board of your choice without leaving the Safari app.

  1. Find a Promo

Installed along with the Promofly app, this Action extension locates and automatically redeems any promotional codes on the site you are currently shopping on. Requiring that you sign in to the Promofly app before use. Find a Promo can potentially save you a ton of money while you shop on your iOS device.

  1. LastPass

When remembering all of your passwords becomes too much to handle, services such as LastPass can prove invaluable. Its iOS app comes with a Safari Action extension, which can fill in your saved passwords on the Web as needed. You need to be logged in to the LastPass app to utilize this extension, and you will also be prompted to authenticate with your fingerprint when you first launch the extension from within Safari.

  1. Mail to Self

Another useful one is Mail to Self. This Action extension automatically sends the title and URL of the active Web page to a user-designated email address. There won’t be any need again to open the Mail client or construct an actual email. Just tap on the extension’s icon and you’re done! Before using this extension. However, you must configure your email address within the Mail to Self app — which includes requesting and entering a verification code.

  1. Pocket

The Pocket app lets you store articles, videos, and entire Web pages in one location. You can then view these items later on any device that has Pocket installed. With the Pocket Share extension for Safari. The Web content that you are currently viewing is automatically saved as soon as you select its icon.

  1. View Source

View Source, found in the Action Extensions row of Safari’s Share Sheet, displays color-formatted source code for the active Web page in a new window. An Assets button, found at the bottom of the window, lists all images, links, and scripts found throughout said page. Other buttons allow you to view a breakdown of the page’s DOM nodes, inject some test JavaScript into the current code. And see details including the page’s size, character set, and cookies.

  1. Wunderlist

In today’s fast-paced world, staying organized is a necessity. This is where the Wunderlist app comes in handy, providing the ability to create. Maintain and share plans and lists ranging from errands you need to complete today or items you need to buy at the supermarket. Meanwhile, its Safari Share extension lets you add the active Web page (title, URL, image, and any notes you may wish to add). To your personal Wunderlist with ease.

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