Windows Mobile Reader – easy access to updates of online content

Why waste so much time and effort checking several websites regularly for updates when there is an RSS Reader? RSS is an acronym for Rich Site Summary and acts as an aggregator; collating all your favorite news sites and blogs for easy tracking of updates. It’s also referred to as ‘Really Simple Syndication or a ‘web feed’ gives you easy access to updates of online content from different websites.

Our mobile devices need to have suitable RSS Readers for tracking important news updates. There are several smartphone RSS Readers available;  the best Smartphone Reader for you will depend on what you’re interested in. But this list should help you narrow down your choice.

Windows Mobile Reader

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Reading Apps For Windows Mobile Phone · 1. Freda · 2. Legimi · 3. Amazon Kindle · 4. Tucan Reader · 5. Bookviser Reader · 6. Kobo Books · 7. You May Also Like: …

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The e-book reader was available for download from Microsoft as a free application for computers running Windows and on PDAs running Pocket PC, where it has been …

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  1. FeederReader

Marketed as the Smartphone reader for power users, this Windows Mobile reader has a host of features including the ability to view podcasts and vidcasts, offline reading, great customization, and ideal performance for a large number of feeds.

Price: Free.

  1. Newsgator Go

The Windows Mobile reader for the Newsgator suite of RSS readers is a stand-alone application, not just a mobile website. Newsgator Go syncs up with your other Newsgator products, whether you like to browse your feeds through their web-based reader, or from your Outlook inbox.

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Price: Free.

  1. NewsBreak

Numerous awards mark Newsbreak as a great Windows Mobile reader. Featuring the ability to listen to podcasts, watch vidcasts, and set up specialized alerts, it makes a great addition to your Smartphone library.

Price: $19.95.

  1. Egress / Windows Mobile Reader

The Egress Windows Mobile reader integrates with the Today screen and supports podcasting and mini-blogs like Twitter. This Smartphone reader also supports HTML optimizers (like Skweezer and Google Mobile) and integrates with Newsgator.

Price: $12.95 (Lifetime subscription).

  1. Bloglines for Mobile

Bloglines is a great website for viewing your favorite feeds and keeping your mobile in sync with your PC, but the mobile version of the site doesn’t come with a lot of feed management options. An excellent choice for those that already use Bloglines on their PC, or anyone wanting a free web-based reader for their Smartphone.

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Price: Free.

  1. AvantGo / Windows Mobile Reader

This handy Windows Mobile reader provides the option to take your favorite sites with you. It comes with a number of channels, and you can input custom channels, but it can have a problem reading some feeds. Great for a limited number of feeds, it may not have the best navigation for numerous feeds.

Price: Free (Subscription grants additional bandwidth).