Ways to Get News Online – want to get more personalized news content?

Just as food can be prepared and packaged in different ways so can your news be packaged and delivered to you in many forms from different sources. Some get their news from social media, while some use news sites. But if you want to get more personalized news content, here are 7 very different ways to Ways Get News Online:

Ways to Get News Online

Best Way To Get News Online: Flipboard – Forbes

https://www.forbes.com › sites › tjmccue › 2019/08/30

Best Way To Get News Online: Flipboard · Discover stories: The New York Times, National Geographic, Vanity Fair, and thousands more top …

How to get the news on the internet | Digital Unite

https://www.digitalunite.com › searching-browsing › ho…

Google’s ‘News‘ search brings together all the top stories from a variety of sources. To start, go to Google’s home page. Click on the grid on the right-hand …

14 Best and Most Popular Ways to Consume News – WiseStep

https://content.wisestep.com › best-and-most-popular-w…

Best Ways to Consume News: · 1. Reading the newspapers: · 2. The mobile applications: · 3. Social media network: · 4. Make the best use of the Google Reader: · 5. Tweet, …

More than eight-in-ten Americans get news from digital devices

https://www.pewresearch.org › fact-tank › 2021/01/12

Past research done by the Center has tracked the various ways Americans get news, both online and offline. This survey asks about similar topics

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How Americans get their news – American Press Institute

https://www.americanpressinstitute.org › survey-research

The most popular way that Americans report finding their news is directly from a news organization, such as a newspaper, TV newscast, website, …

  1. News in Shorts: Articles of 60 words or less

News in Shorts is an app you’ll want to have installed on your phone if you still want to keep up with what’s going on in the world. All news stories are just 60 words or less, and you can tailor your news to your interests by choosing from categories like business, sports, technology, entertainment, and more.

  1. Circa News: Long news stories boiled down to shorter ones

Similar to News in Shorts, Circa News is a mobile app that seeks to deliver just the very important parts of stories to readers. The app uses a team of editors that takes long news stories and cuts them down to short ones with only the essential elements left in. Even for breaking news stories, Circa News delivers, so you never miss out.

  1. News.me: Top stories from your Facebook and Twitter networks

Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are great for following the news, but there’s a lot of useless noise that comes along with it. News.I bring you only the top stories shared by friends in your Facebook and Twitter networks and delivers them in a convenient and easy-to-read newsletter format each day by email.

  1. Daily by Buffer: Like Tinder, but for news stories /Ways to Get News Online

Tinder is an online dating app that shows you profile matches in your area and lets you swipe left to pass or swipe right to like them. Buffer’s Daily app works similarly to Tinder by showing you a batch of interesting news stories, which you can swipe left or right on to pass or like. Anything you swipe right on will be automatically added to your Buffer queue.

  1. Newsbeat: Short, minute-long audio clips of news stories

If you’d rather listen to the news instead of reading it, but can’t stand traditional radio, then Newsbeat might be for you. This app gives you one-minute bites of news in audio format, so you can listen, and then move on to the next. You can even personalize it by choosing the topics of interest to you from all sorts of local, national, and international sources.

  1. SHINE for Reddit: A Chrome extension that beautifies Reddit
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Reddit is one of the best places to find news stories but the site hasn’t been updated for years. This new SHINE for Reddit Chrome browser extension can make the browsing much more visually appealing with photos, GIFs, videos, and even a Pinterest-inspired layout for it all.

  1. Newsle: See when your friends make the news

For those that don’t care all that much about regular news, but still want to stay informed about what their friends are saying. Newsle is a tool that connects to your Facebook and LinkedIn networks so it can deliver news stories about your friends, colleagues, and professionals you admire.