Good Credit – How to Get and Maintain a Good Credit Score

What Is Good Credit?

A good credit score is a score between 700 and above. With a good credit score, you get access to attractive rates and terms when you apply for a loan. However, stating whether or not a particular credit score is good is complicated. This is because the threshold for what’s considered good may vary depending on the type of loan you are applying for and the lender involved.Good Credit - How to Get and Maintain a Good Credit Score

When applying for a new credit card, you will not be intimated about what that particular lender’s exact cutoff point is between a good credit score and a bad one. This is because lenders generally do not reveal their credit score threshold to the public. However, FICO, the most widely known credit scoring model, shares some helpful information that borrowers can use as guides. The most common FICO score is that which features a scale of 300 – 850. On that scale, a credit score between 670 and 739 is generally seen as being “good”

How to Get and Maintain a Good Credit Score

Good Credit Score

How to Maintain a Good Credit Score – The Balance › maintain-good-credit-sco…

Don’t lose the good credit score you’ve worked for · Know What Goes Into a Good Credit Score · Pay Your Bills on Time · Keep Your Credit Card Balances Low · Don’t …

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Maintain a good credit score by understanding the scoring factors, automating your bills, keeping debt in check and regularly monitoring

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Maintain your good credit · Keep track of your spending: Keep track of your debit and credit card transactions, ATM card usage and any checks you’ve written.

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How do I get and keep a good credit score? · Pay your loans on time, every time. · Don’t get close to your credit limit. · A long credit history

Understand that there is no secret formula to building a strong credit score. However, there are a few guides on how you can get and maintain one:

Avoid getting close to your credit limit

Credit scoring models check how close you are to being “maxed out”. As such, you must try to keep your balances low as compared to your total credit limit. According to experts, it is advised that you keep your use of credit at no more than 30 percent of your total credit limit. You do not need to revolve on credit cards to get a good score. Thus, paying off the balance each month helps get you the best scores.

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Pay your loans on time, every time

To be sure that you’re making on-time payments, you have to set up automatic payments or set up electronic reminders. In case you missed payments, get current, and remain current.

Fast-check your credit reports

If you happen to spot suspected errors, dispute them. Where you have old credit card accounts that you are not using, monitor them to ensure that an identity thief is not making use of them.

Only apply for credit that you need

Credit scoring formulas always take a look at your recent credit activity as a signal of your need for credit. If you have applied for a lot of credit over a short period of time, lenders may perceive that your economic circumstances have changed negatively.

A long credit history will help your score

Credit scores depend on experience over time. That means the more experience your credit report shows with paying your loans on time, the more information there is to determine whether you are a good credit recipient.


Factors that Affects your Credit Scores

The information that affects a credit score differs depending on the scoring model in use. Credit scores are generally affected by elements in your credit report, like:

  • Firstly, the credit utilization rate
  • Total debt
  • Thirdly, payment history for loans and credit cards, including the number as well as the severity of late payments.
  • Also, type, number and age of credit accounts
  • Moreso, the number of inquiries for your credit report
  • Then, the number of credit accounts that you have recently opened
  • Lastly, public records like bankruptcy.

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