Peer-to-peer Networks P2P allow Peers (users) to make a portion of their resources, such as processing power, disk storage, or network bandwidth, directly available to other network participants, without the need for central coordination by servers or stable hosts. The network is decentralized with files being stored on individuals’ computers and not in a central location. eDonkey, eDonkey2000, eMule, and Overnet are all part of a peer-to-peer file-sharing network. P2P Networks can be used to share large files.
eDonkey was shut down on September 28, 2005, as part of the aftermath of a U.S. Supreme Court decision that established that file-sharing networks are liable for illegally shared copyrighted material. However, because of the decentralized nature, the eDonkey network is still accessible through other clients such as eMule. – Official eMule Homepage. Downloads …
Their aim was to put the client back on track where eDonkey had been famous before, adding tons of new features and a nice GUI. They couldn’t imagine what …
eDonkey2000 – Download
eDonkey is an application that allows you to share and download files with millions of other people across the globe.
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eDonkey Protocol – Ports and DPI Reference – Netify › Resources › Protocols › eDonkey
eDonkey was a popular peer-to-peer file-sharing protocol used by several different software clients including eMule, Morpheus, and Shareaza.
What is the eDonkey Network (eD2k)? – Techopedia › definition › edonkey-net...
The eDonkey network (eD2k) is a decentralized peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing system designed to provide long-term data file availability.
eDonkey / Overnet System Requirements:
- 64 MB or greater RAM.
- Live Internet connection.
- Windows 98 or newer, MAC OS X 10.2 or newer, Linux operating system.
P2P Networks Supported:
- Overnet (distributed P2P)
- eDonkey (registration server-based P2P)
Default Network Ports:
- TCP port 4661 to connect to the eDonkey server
- TCP port 4662 to connect with other clients
- UDP port 4665 to send messages to other eDonkey servers eDonkey / Overnet ports user-configurable.
Network Protocol:
eDonkeys implements the MFTP (Multisource File Transmission Protocol)
eDonkeys also supports these other download protocols: HTTP, bittorrent
Administrative Network Settings:
- Firstly, upload speed user limit (Kbps)
- Secondly, download speed user limit (Kbps)
- Thirdly, maximum system download speed (Kbps, optional)
- Fourthly, maximum concurrent Overnet connections
Other Network Features:
- Firstly, private messaging
- Secondly, simultaneous uploading and downloading of the same file
- Thirdly, automatic resuming of downloads between sessions
- Multiple source downloads
- Horde anti-leeching system (download performance tied to upload performance)
eDonkeys / Overnet Download Location:
Note: The eDonkeys P2P client is no longer being maintained. eDonkeys clients may fail to function on the network due to a lack of support.