Change Your Credit Card Due Date
When you pay for your bills each month at once then the effect of it will be the inability to meet up with other expenses because of the amount spent at once in all the bills. Make your financial burden less by changing your credit card due date to a more suitable date that is, make your due dates on separate days of the month. When you do that, you will tend to avoid penalties for late payments.
There are simple quick steps in changing your credit card due dates, either you simply place a call to your card customer service representative or simply go online to effect such changes yourself.
These are the instructions on how you can change your Credit Card Due Date
To change a due date to another date, one of the very first thing you should do is to settle every lingering balance that is, previous debts that you have incurred. But if in any way you are unable to clear those debts you can negotiate or rather have payment arrangements made for you by your credit card company.
Let’s take for instance you’re behind in payment or struggling to meet up with your due dates, make a review of your plans or budget and carefully point out the days that will be best in the month for your due date. Let’s also take for example you’re being paid twice (on separate days) in a month then you can decide to pay some of your bills twice.
Try to ensure that your credit card payments are not due on the same date each month. There are days in a month that are good dates to fix your due date, dates like the last 3 days of the month the 29th,30th and 31st Avoid these dates
There is always a number written on the back of your credit card for customers to call. Dial the number to speak with a customer care representative and then request for a change of your credit card due date.
Another way to change your due dates is by registering online. Most credit cards allow their customers to have an online account for easy access to customers financial activities. After registering online you can then login to your account and check if options for due date change is available.
After your due date change what next?
When you change your due dates it doesn’t just become effective, It takes a few payment periods for your new due date to be effective. Make sure you are consistent on making quick payments and pay close attention to your payment due date on reports sent to you.
After your due date change, the first credit report that is sent to you will have a higher finance charge so you can as well extend the due date payment for that month but the minimum payment will become normal on your next report.
Cases of due date change restrictions
On the account of restrictions placed on due date change, you can as well make payments before the due date to avoid late payments fee. Rather than waiting for a mail by your card issuer, you can sign up for an online account and confirm your payment amount as soon as your report is ready.
Apart from changing your credit card due dates, you can as well affect some changes in other payments such as the bills on phone and utility payment but note that the first payment you make after the change might include some charges.
Change Your Credit Card Due Date