Do you have Zulily Credit Card? If yes, pay attention to this information. Customers who have Zulily credit cards should access their accounts online. They should visit the login page. The website is available for them to use. They can use the website 24 hours every day and 7 days every week.
The website has many features and functions. These features and functions are so important that users should register for an online account. These features include online bill payment, updating your contact info, setting up alerts, signing up for paperless billing, etc.
Zulily Credit Card Login Info
Do you need to start the login process? First-timers to Zulily account login should get registered first. The first step is to enter your credit card number and zip code. Select the Continue button for the next stage.
For the registration, you are to create your login credentials and set up your security questions. This can take a few minutes. Once the registration is complete, you can log in to your account.
Recover Your User ID/Password
In case you have forgotten your login credentials, this is what to do. Use the self-help recovery troubleshooting options on the homepage. Those who have forgotten their User ID should select Find User ID. You are to enter your card number and billing code. Your card number is on your credit card. After providing those details, you select Find User ID.
Have you forgotten your password? There is a reset password option that is available. You should select the Reset Password link. Enter your ID, zip code, and select the Continue button. You will now create your new password and log in.
Zulily Sign In features
As earlier stated, there are many useful features on the site. Cardholders can use them and manage their accounts online. login site is easy to access using your smartphone, mobile devices, and home computer. Below are the features you will see:
Update Zulily credit card billing address
- Pay bills
- Check your FICO scores
- Sign up for paperless billing
- Manage your account preferences
- Alerts via text or email
- Sign up for autopay (payment automatically deducted from your bank account each month on your payment due date)
Pay My Zulily Credit Card
How is Zulily’s credit card payment login? Maybe it is the easiest way to pay your bills. It is available 24 hours every day.
Cardholders can make their payments on their scheduled pay date. With this, they will not pay 7 days ahead as is the case with their mailing payment. All you need to do is to set up your bank checking account for automatic debit. Then, you can submit your monthly credit card payment through an electronic draft.
With an autopay feature, your payment will never be late. What you will do is select a particular day for your bill payment. Once you do this, your payment will be made automatically via your bank account.
The only thing that is required is enough funds on your account to cover the payment.
Pay By Mail/Telephone
For you to submit your payment via mail, send a check to these Zulily credit card payment addresses:
PO Box 530993
Atlanta, GA 30353-0993
If you want to pay by mail call 1-855-597-4790 8am to midnight Eastern Standard Time
Monday – Sunday