Transunion Credit Report – Transunion Phone Number – Transunion Free Credit Report

What is TransUnion?

TransUnion is a credit bureau, that tracks the credit history of borrowers in order to generate credit reports and credit scores. TransUnion just like Equifax and Experian collects data to produce a credit history for every individual, and financial institutions make use of these reports when trying to decide whether or not to extend credit like a mortgage or a credit card to a customer.Transunion Credit Report - Transunion Phone Number - Transunion Free Credit Report


Your credit report encompasses vital information about your credit history from lenders who have extended credit to you. The report lists the types of credits you use, the length of time your accounts have been open, and whether or not you’ve paid your bills on time. Lenders use credit reports, to determine your creditworthiness and eligibility for loans.

The credit report also intimates lenders whether you are seeking new sources of credit and how much credit you have already used. Lenders with the help of credit reports, get a broader picture of your credit than your bank’s customer data.

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According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, you are allowed a 100-word consumer statement about any credit reports you dispute.

Accessing Your Credit Report

If you want to access your credit report, you must provide TransUnion or other credit reporting bureaus with your name, your address, your date of birth, as well as your Social Security Number and the addresses of former residences.

Offering this information will also offer you a personal account of TransUnion’s website after your identity has been verified. For security, you may be prompted for a series of questions only you would know the answer to when requesting your report, as the frequency of certain loan repayments.

Transunion Credit Report

Contact Us | TransUnion › contact-us-consumers

Complete credit requests, such as credit freeze or free annual credit report, in the Transunionsupport center. Or, learn how to contact our support team.

Credit Report | TransUnion › get-credit-report-v2

Fast, free access to your credit report online · Control of your credit data, with free reports available from all three credit reporting agencies in one place

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Dispute Credit Report | TransUnion › credit-disputes › dispute-…

If you believe your TransUnion Credit report is incomplete or inaccurate, you can file a dispute. Learn more about what you can dispute and how to start a

Freeze My Credit | TransUnion › credit-freeze

It’s absolutely free to freeze and unfreeze your credit, … If you want a free option to make sure no-one can access your credit report.

What Can TransUnion Help You Do?

TransUnion comes in handy when it comes to reporting comprehensive employment data in all of its personal credit report summaries.

TransUnion offers you the ability to update, change and correct several fields, such as your current and previous employers’ names, your hiring date, the time frame you worked for each employer, etc.

This credit-reporting agency offers its customers with a credit monitoring service. Credit monitoring is just like a personal assistant and watchdog to your credit and can help prevent identity theft and other fraudulent activities.

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In case you are a victim of identity theft, the credit-monitoring package can help mitigate the damage according to TransUnion. TransUnion in its a credit-monitoring package, for which you are required to pay a monthly fee, offers unlimited updates to your TransUnion credit report, instant email alerts, personalized debt analysis, etc.

About Chris Git

I am an SEO person with over five years of experience. I am mostly into product lunch and review. I feed on tech, Dring Tech, and Dream tech. My hobby is knowing how everything works. You are welcome to my world of content development and product review at I am also a financial analyst with an organization. It has been my sincere interest to help people solve their issues on credit cards. There are lots of questions in the mind of many credit card users. These range from which credit card is best? How many credit cards should I have?

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