SOCIAL NETWORKING refers to the use of social media websites to connect with family, friends, and others around the world. Engaging in social networking simply means a person is involved in using social media handles or social networks to relate and connect with others. According to Emarketer, 90.4% of Millennials, 77.5% of Generation X, and 48.2% of baby boomers are active users of social networking sites. Social media has become a great marketing tool for businesses and also a source of entertainment for many. The following are the positives of either having a social media account or actively running a business using social networking:THE MAJOR ADVANTAGES OF SOCIAL NETWORKING


The following are the advantages or pros of social networking:

Connection to people all over the world

One of the most obvious advantages of using social media or social networking is the ability to instantly reach people from anywhere. Facebook can be used to stay in touch with old friends and classmates who may have relocated to different parts of the world.

A person can start a Google Duo chat with relatives who live far away or meet new people on Twitter from cities or regions never heard of before.



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Social networkinggives you a chance to connect with people around the world. · 2. This technology gives us access to easy, instant communication tools.

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Advantages of Using Social Networking Websites · Individual users can keep in touch with friends and relatives easily. · Users can connect with

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Great marketing channel for Business — 1. Networking without border. One of the primary goals of any social networking site, networking is a primary feature …

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Nine Advantages of Social Networking · 1. Worldwide Connectivity · 2. Commonality of Interest · 3. Real-Time Information Sharing · 4. Targeted Advertising ·

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Advantages of Social Networking Sites · 1. Connectivity · 2. Information · 3. Communication · 4. Brand Marketing · 5. Stress Relief · 6. Job Offers · 7 …

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Easy and Instant Communication

Platforms like Twitter and Facebook avail one the opportunity to instantly chat up persons near and far away. This is so because social networks connect everyone everywhere. All a person has to do is to have an account with any of the platforms. This has given us more options than just relying on answering machines and landlines.

Real-Time News and Information

Social media provides us with real-time news and up to date information. We do not necessarily need to wait for news on the television, radio, or papers. The good thing here is one can decide on exactly what he or she wants to follow or get updates on.

Great Opportunities for business owners

Business owners and other types of professional organizations can connect with customers, sell their products, and even expand their reach using social media. Lots of businesses using social networking are doing well and some wouldn’t even be able to operate without it.

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General Fun

Man is a social creature. Thus being on social media most times is just plain fun and very commonplace. Many turn to social media when catching a break. Others just relax at home surfing the net. It is also convenient to be able to see what others are up to without having to ask them and seeing the comments and reactions of others on a person’s post is trilling for many.


There are social media sites that cater to everything from general to specifics. However there are those focused on specifics too, these are very veritable tools for doing businesses or creating a group. Thus different networking sites appeal to particular individuals.

Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, LinkedIn, Pinterest