Obligor – Basic Understanding Of The Contract Of Debt Payment

What is an Obligor?

An obligor is an obligated party who has an obligation to repay a debt. He can make a payment, or refrain from paying, under the terms agreed. It can also be a “promisor”. On a bail bond, the accused and the sureties act as the obligors, while the state is the obligee.Obligor - Basic Understanding Of The Contract Of Debt Payment

Understanding Obligors

This is a person that owes an obligation to another by contract or other legal terms. The most common types of obligors are debt holders. Be it as it may, in addition to the required payment of interest and principal. Many holders of debt are also required to meet up with other requirements. In the case of bondholders, these are known as covenants. And are outlined in the initial bond issue between the obligor and obligee.


What Is an Obligor? – The Balance

https://www.thebalance.com › what-is-an-obligor-5201…

An obligor is an individual who owes a benefit or payment to another person, such as child support, alimony, or a payment on a loan.

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3-603. TENDER OF PAYMENT. | Uniform Commercial Code

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(a) If tender of payment of an obligation to pay an instrument is made to a person … of law applicable to tender of payment under a simple contract.

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Since the wife was not a direct obligor of her husband’s loans, she was not required to make the payments since her agreement was not in writing and there was a

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A waiver by Obligors. Each Obligor waives any rights to require that Agent or Lender (a) demand payment of amounts due; (b) give notice that amounts due have not …

In Corporate Settings

 Covenants can either be good or bad. A good covenant is what an obligor is to do. It may include hitting a specific benchmark. A bad covenant is more restrictive, thus it stops the obligor from doing something. Like to change the head of the organization.

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Thus since these bond issues are obligations, obligors may have very limited leeway. When it comes to deferring pay, interest payments, or changing covenants. Note that any delay in payment, as well as nonpayment of interest, could be mean as a default for the bond issuer, which is an event that can have massive effects and long-term effects for the viability of the business. Thus, most bonds obligors take their debt very seriously. However, defaults by overcharged obligors do occur from time to time.

Obligor in a Personal Setting

An obligor is not necessitated to be a bondholder or be a bondholder of some other form of debt.An individual can become an obligor in his personal life too. When it comes to family law, there are certain instances where a court order is passed down in a divorce settlement. When an obligor falls behind on court-ordered payments, like child support, it can lead to problems, like wage garnishment, loss of driver’s licenses, as well as other problems. Thus it is important that an obligor tries to pay what is owed, and opt for the necessary changes when there is a change in his/her income in the case of an obligor parent.

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