Credit Report – What Lenders Look at on Your Credit Report

If you are set to borrow money, you may be wondering what lenders look at on your credit report. The core objective of a lender is to determine whether you are a good or bad credit risk. This is best if you are already monitoring your credit scores to keep them as high as possible. Be it as it may, your credit scores are only one factor used in assessing your credit stability and ability to pay back a loan.Credit Report - What Lenders Look at on Your Credit Report

There are other factors that lenders consider which make up your financial profile. They include your payment history, credit utilization, repayment history, credit history, and new accounts.

Let’s explore each of these factors one after the other for a better understanding.

What Lenders Look at on Your Credit Report

Payment History

Lenders will review your payment history on credit cards, loans, lines of credit, and anything else displayed on your credit report. This is to ensure that you have a track record of on-time payments which could indicate that you’ll be a responsible mortgage borrower. If you happen to have any old payments that were late or missed, the lender may ask you for an explanation.

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Repayment History

Lenders will look at your repayment habits in the past, to try to work out whether you’re a safe bet or not, now and even in the future.

If you are the type that has always made on-time payments every month on time and in full, this will likely boost your chances of being accepted for future credit. However, if you’ve struggled to keep up with repayments, it might be a red flag to lenders.

Credit Utilization

The credit utilization ratio is another factor that lenders consider. This ratio indicates how much of your available credit you are using at a given time. If you happen to be using up too much of your credit it can make you come off as being overleveraged, which is riskier to lenders. Thus, most lenders will prefer your credit utilization to be under 30%. Thus you have to ensure that you are not exceeding this to see a positive impact on your credit scores and mortgage approval chances.

Credit History

Your credit plays a vital role in a lender’s assessment for you to qualify for a loan or credit card. Your credit history shows your financial track record which shows how you have managed credit and made payments over time. This history can be seen in your three credit reports, which offers all the information from lenders that have previously given you credit.

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This data may vary among the different credit reporting agencies but includes the same information like the names of lenders that extended credit, the types of credit, your payment history, etc. Most lenders will like to see the good payment history, low amounts of debt, and no missed or late payments. Your credit history is captured into a single number which is referred to as credit scores.

Your credit score is among one of the first things that lenders look at when assessing your credit history. Thus, it goes to say that having a good credit score increases your odds of getting approved for a loan and helps with the conditions of the offer, like what the interest will be. There are various types of credit scores. FICO® Scores and VantageScore® are the two most common types of credit scores, but other industry-specific scores also do exist.

New Accounts

It is best to have an established credit history, which is actually good for your credit rating. Opening a bunch of new credit cards on the other hand ina short space of time is not ideal. If you suddenly open multiple credit cards, would-be lenders can’t help but wonder why you need so much credit. They will also raise questions about your ability to repay the debt if you suddenly choose to max out all those cards. New credit amounts to 10% of your FICO score. Thus if you need a good credit score, you would have to avoid opening a new credit card account just to acquire things that are not that necessary.

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Types of Credit Used

When it comes to your credit report  variety plays a big role in how a lender assesses you for credit.

Lenders like to see that as a potential customer.  You have experience when it comes to using various types of credit. (i.e. loan, credit card, an overdraft) in a stable and reliable fashion. Thus they’ll be looking at your credit report for a diversity of borrowing. And it might boost your chances of acceptance if you can show it.

Be it as it may, don’t be tempted to open lots of accounts in a short space of time.  In order to increase your credit variety.  As this might make things worse.

In summary, apart from you’re your FICO score. Creditors may have their own proprietary scoring methodologies that use similar. But not identical, factors when determining an applicant’s eligibility for credit.

Additionally, lenders also consider factors such as the amount of income you earn. How much money you have in the bank. As well as the length of time you have been employed. Before extending credit to you.

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