Church’s Chicken restaurant is an American restaurant chain that serves you better with fried chicken meals. This restaurant was first operated as “Fried Chicken To Go” in 1952 by George W. Church Sr. at San Antonio, Texas. As time went by, they added jalapenos and fries in 1956. It went dawn on the founder of Church’s Chicken as he kicked the bucket having about 4 Church’s chicken restaurants. However, this lad to merging with Popeyes in the 1980s and 1989 as they rapidly spread. Now it is the second-largest fast-food chain in the United States.
This Church’s Chicken Near Me page helps you to find the closest Church’s Chicken near me and as well, all the Church’s Chicken locations in Unthe cited States. More so, we’ve got the Menu of your interest and hours.
Church’s Chicken Locations Near Me
There are 1,009 Church’s Chicken locations in the United States. In all of this, there are 858 running as a franchise. Currently, the headquarters is in Atlanta, Georgia. Here is the list of Church’s Chicken restaurants in the following American States:
- Alabama: 61 restaurants
- Arkansas: 16 restaurants
- Arizona: 42 restaurants
- California: 67 restaurants
- Colorado: 8 restaurants
- DC: 1 restaurant
- Florida: 36 restaurants
- Georgia: 64 restaurants
- Hawaii: 1 restaurant
- Illinois: 22 restaurants
- Indiana: 12 restaurants
- Kansas: 15 restaurants
- Louisiana: 52 restaurants
- Michigan: 21 restaurants
- Missouri: 21 restaurants
- Mississippi: 30 restaurants
- North Carolina: 13 restaurants
- New Jersey: 1 restaurant
- New Mexico: 24 restaurants
- Nevada: 7 restaurants
- Ohio: 15 restaurants
- Oklahoma: 25 restaurants
- Pennsylvania: 2 restaurants
- South Carolina: 17 restaurants
- Tennessee: 28 restaurants
- Texas: 448 restaurants
- Virginia: 4 restaurants
- Washington: 4 restaurants
- Wisconsin: 1 restaurant.
the most popular locations of Church’s Chicken includes Detroit (MI), Montgomery (AL), Brownsville (TX), Lubbock (TX), Austin (TX), Columbus (OH), San Antonio (TX), Albuquerque (NM), Columbus (GA), Houston (TX), Laredo (TX), Tulsa (OK), Tucson, Oklahoma City (OK), Puerto Rico, Greensville (SC), San Diego, Macon (GA), Odessa (TX), Beaumont (TX), Tulsa, Birmingham (AL), Lafayette (LA), Columbia (SC), Charlotte (NC), Waco (TX), Tyler (TX), Mcallen (TX), Midland (TX), Monroe (LA), Edinburgh (TX), Harlingen (TX), Augusta (GA), Arlington (TX), Nashville (TX), Gulfport (MS), Abilene (TX), and Greensboro (NC).
If you find yourself in any of American states, you’ve got Church’s Chicken location near you. All you need is to find out how to get there. Using our map, we will show you how to find the closest Church’s Chicken near me.,0,2z?hl=en-GB Follow this link to get the Church’s Chicken Map. There is another easier way of finding the Church’s Chicken restaurant near me; it can be done using Zip code. Check out for this for the official locator page.
Church’s® Famous Fried Chicken | Church’s Chicken®
For over 60 years, we’ve been all about bold flavors, warm welcomes and saving plenty of room for seconds. You bring the cravings; we’ll bring the comfort.
Combo Meals | Church’s Chicken® › menu › combo
Hand-battered chicken for a taste that’s too good to let getaway. Choose from spicy or original, any regular side and scratch-made Honey-Butter Biscuit™
1 Church’s Chicken Locationin New Jersey › …
Browse all Church’s Chicken locations in NJ to try our delicious fried chicken, biscuits, or mac and cheese.
Find the nearest Church’s Chicken location near you › search
Search Church’s Chicken locations to try our delicious fried chicken, biscuits, … Use our locator to find a location near you or browse our directory.
How to Find Church’s Chicken Near Me?
The above clues must have highlighted two specific ways of finding Church’s Chicken near me? Simple access the map following the above link and the locator respectively, we’ve got you covered on your challenges.
View the nearest Church’s Chicken locations.So go ahead to the map and study it. You will notice red icons on the map? This is simply showing Church’s Chicken locations near me. Then if you would like to use the Zip code, follow the second link above.
Change the area displayed on the map.If the map displayed is not the right area, kindly change it by selecting the right area once you have to browse around the map. Then afterward, click on the “SEARCH THIS AREA” button and then see the nearest Church’s Chicken restaurants.
Find out more info about a particular Church’s Chicken.Indeed it is necessary to have little or more knowledge about where you are going to. Thereof, to find out more info about a particular Church’s Chicken you just select the restaurant first (the red icons). On the left side of the map, you will see contents into a small box containing the restaurant’s name, address, and the average rating.
Create a route to a selected Church’s Chicken Location.Even though you don’t know how to reach a certain restaurant of this chain, the route option is available just waiting for you to filter it. Of course, this helps. To do that, select the particular restaurant and click on the “Directions” button on the left angle of the map. Next, select your starting point and select a convenient route to use.
Check the Hours of a specific Church’s Chicken restaurant.Figure out the specific hours of a particular restaurant of this chain with a map. Move to the location of the restaurant and select it, at the left side of the map contains the hours of that specific restaurant. On that same accord, you can check out for review. Select the location and then hit the “No reviews” button at the upper-left corner of the map.
Church’s Chicken Hours
This is directed to the Church’s chicken chains in the United States. The above guide will help you to discover the restaurant hours as they are many locations which means that they will vary. Here are the common Church’s Chicken hours in the United States.
- Monday to Saturday: from 11:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. Sunday: from 12:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.
- Monday to Thursday: from 10:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. Friday to Sunday: from 10:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M.
- Every day: from 10:30 A.M. to 10:00 P.M.
- Monday to Thursday & Sunday: from 11:00 A.M. to 1:00 A.M. Friday and Saturday: from 11:00 A.M. to 3:00 A.M.
Church’s Chicken Coupons
This is greatly important for frequent visitors to the Church’s Chicken diners. If you wish to find out about the current Church’s Chicken deals the Church’s Chicken coupons allow you to save quite a good deal of your money, check out for how to obtain them from this page >