Are you a small business owner? Perhaps you are in need of a loan? If yes, this article is for you. If you have been pre-approved for a small business loan via Reliant Funding, you can apply for the loan online or by phone. Using the online option is very fast. Having been pre-approved, it will only take a few minutes.
Once you accept the loan, the approval will take a few hours. It will only take one day to get the loan.
Reliant123 Activate Loan
Take the following steps to start the application:
Enter the following details:
- 16 digit account number
- Zipcode
- Email address
- Phone number
- Time in business
- Gross annual sales
- The amount you would like to borrow
- Click on Submit button
Before you apply for a loan at, you must have your credit background checked. This means that you will provide your social security number. It does not matter much in other small business lenders but it is considered.
Reliant Funding Customer Service
In case you have questions concerning your loan, call the free number below
- Customer Service 1-877-850-0998
Sending a message online from the homepage hover over the Company heading, click on the Contact US button
There is an online form you will use to send your questions. You are to enter the following details:
- First name
- Last name
- Phone number
- Email address
- Company name
- Inquires type
- Question or comment
- Click on the Submit button
Reliant Funding Highlights
- A business loan is approved within a few hours if accepted
- The loan is given the following day
- No cost is involved in applying for the loan
- Over 70% of applicants are approved
Tips on Qualifying for a Loan
- If your business has lasted for at least one year
- Bring in at least $100,000 in sales per year
- Has no open bankruptcies
- Most clients don’t need a guarantor or collateral
- Free to allocate small business loans however your business needs it.