Closing a credit card without having the account number is still very much possible since credit card accounts are often connected to your personal information like your social security number
Make Sure It’s OK to Close the Card | Close a Credit Card Without the Account Number
It is better to leave some credit cards open so as to enable you to consider which credit cards to keep and the very ones to get rid of. Never forget this statement: don’t close any credit cards with balances or your only credit card with available credit, your oldest credit card, and the credit card with the best terms.
If there are balances remaining in the credit card, pay off the balance before closing the credit score, and also the moment you contact the credit card issuer make sure they have your correct address on file with a credit card statement mailed to you so you can verify the amount and pay off the balance.
Payment on installment or payment in full can be negotiated between you and your credit card company.
Contact your Credit Card Company to Get the Account Number
Are you finding it difficult to contact your credit card company? Search the website of the card company and look for a Contact Us link on the site to find a contact number.
How to Cancel a Credit Card in 2021 – WalletHub › edu › how-to-cancel-a-credit-card
To cancel a credit card account, flip the card over and call the customer service number listed on the back. Enter your 16-digit card number to
How to Cancel a Credit Card: A Step by Step Guide – CNBC › select › how-to-cancel-credit-c…
Call the number on the back of your credit card to speak to a representative. Before you ask to close your account, double-check that there is no balance.
How To Cancel a Credit Card the Smart Way | Credit Karma › credit-cards › how-to-c…
Call your credit card issuer. You should be able to find the number for customer service on the back of your card. To start the process, tell
How to cancel a credit card – › credit-card-news › how-t…
To begin the process of closing the account, gather and write down the customer service number and the mailing address you’ll need.
How to cancel a credit card without destroying your credit score › Money › Credit Cards
To officially cancel, call the number on the bank of your card and talk to someone from the credit card company or bank that issued that card.
Call the card company and let them know you have an account with them but that you no longer have the credit card or the credit card number. Some information to look up your account would be requested for by the customer service representative.
Close the Account through a phone call
Write down the account number or last four digits of the account provided by the representative for future purposes then you can now place a request to have the credit card closed.
Follow up the card closing in written form
Send a certified letter to the credit card issuer confirming your request to have your credit card closed, do this after closing your credit card through a phone call. While writing the letter include your name, address, and last four digits of the account number. Make it known that you’ve requested to have your credit card account closed on whatever date and that you want your credit record to reflect that the account was closed at your request.