The Best Credit Cards You Should Obtain This Year

The Best Credit Cards You Should Obtain This Year

I want to specially recommend a few credit cards I consider the very best for your financial solutions and products. Below is approved content by card issuers.The Best Credit Cards You Should Obtain This Year

The best for restaurant lovers: the Uber Visa card issued by Barclays

The Uber Visa card has the best offer as regards prizes edible items. Cardholders will earn 4% for restaurants, 3% in hotel and flight; 2% profits for online shopping, including Uber and streaming music; and 1% for other purchases. As a new cardholder, you will receive a bonus of $ 100 (equivalent to 10,000 points) after spending $ 500 on purchases in the first 90 days. This card has no annual fee,  and there are no charges for abroad transactions with the credit card. This means that purchases made in other currencies will not be charged with an additional charge.

For registration bonuses, you will receive a $ 50 credit for the online services once you have spent $ 5,000 or more on a credit card per year. You will receive $ 600 for damage to your mobile phone or your theft if you pay by credit card.

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The best credit cards for travel lovers: Chase Sapphire Reserve

Chase Sapphire Reserve pays 50,000 bonus points after spending $ 4,000 on purchases in the first three months of opening the account. The $ 750 bonus on the move when exchanging prizes through Chase Ultimate Rewards. Cardholders receive an annual travel credit of US $ 300, which can be exchanged for travel purchases made with the card. Earn 3 points for one dollar on the trip, including hotels, taxis and trains; and 1 point for a dollar for anything else.

The points you earn are 50% more when you change them for travel purchases using the Chase Ultimate Rewards booking tool. There are no hidden data or restrictions when you can redeem your rewards.

Best Credit Cards

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The Best credit cards that can yield more income every year: Blue Delta Skymiles American Express

This credit card has been put in place for people requesting for it. The Blue Delta SkyMiles American Express has a 10,000-mile prize pool of $ 500. By Using this card for the transaction, you will be able to redeem a $ 1,000 credit line from to the web site of

Cardholders earn 2 miles per dollar for every purchase made at American restaurants, 2 miles per dollar when buying Delta and 1 mile per dollar for all other eligible purchases. Some restaurant purchases may not be eligible for a 2-point award, e.g hotel restaurant. As a cardholder, you’ll enjoy a 20% savings on in-flight purchases. Savings made in the form of a loan to your account

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Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature Card

The moment you’re approved of this credit card, you will receive a $ 70 gift card. There is no requirement to spend money and you do not have to wait 90 days to get the bonus. Because your card is linked to your account, you can start using it right after you approve it. Purchases made at and the Whole Foods market earn 5%. You will also get a 2% return on restaurants, gas stations and pharmacies; and 1% for all purchases.

Other benefits includes travel assistance, emergency assistance, lost baggage, purchase protection, and extended warranty coverage.


About Chris Git

I am an SEO person with over five years of experience. I am mostly into product lunch and review. I feed on tech, Dring Tech, and Dream tech. My hobby is knowing how everything works. You are welcome to my world of content development and product review at I am also a financial analyst with an organization. It has been my sincere interest to help people solve their issues on credit cards. There are lots of questions in the mind of many credit card users. These range from which credit card is best? How many credit cards should I have?

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