Have you for once been a victim of credit card fraud or identity theft? If so, am sure since then you have been very skeptical about using a credit card to make purchases especially online. Do you need an alternative means of making payment for your bills? If so, now its time to try the RushCard Live Reloadable Prepaid Visa Card. This card has a Visa logo and you can use it anywhere the logo is acceptable whether online or at shopping malls. Getting this and is very easy as it does not demand any credit check or credit limit. It is a Reloadable Prepaid card meaning that customers only use the money they load in it.
The RushCard Live Reloadable Prepaid Visa Card
comes with a load fee of $4.95 and $1 per purchase transaction fee. There is also a possible $5.95 monthly fee depending on. How frequently you use the card and the money you maintain in it. This to an extent is better than credit card payments such as APR, annual fees, foreign transaction fees. Balance transfer fees, and lots more. You can carefully consider this option if you cannot. Keep up with credit card payments.
If you have a very poor credit score or history. It is better to apply and get the RushCard Live Reloadable Prepaid Visa Card. However, it is very important to know that this card does not in any way affect your credit history or score. If you are using the RushCard Live Reloadable Prepaid Visa Card, you will not be able to rebuild your credit score or history. This is because it is a prepaid debit card that permits you to spend only what you have on the card. After spending the money you have in it, you can reload it and continue using it.
RushCard: Online and Mobile Banking | Mobile Debit Card
RushCard prepaid Visa card. Get the most from your money by opening a new Rushcard account today.
RushCard: Apply Now | Prepaid Visa Debit Card Application
RushCard is a Prepaid Visa debit card that lets you shop, get cash at ATMs, pay bills, buy online, and get Direct Deposit. Apply for your RushCard today.
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Maximizing RushCard and RushCard Live Prepaid Debit Cards
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cardholders of RushCard Live Reloadable Prepaid Visa Card can have their employee paychecks loaded into their cards through direct deposits. The highest amount you can load in the card is $10,000 or $2,500 with a cash load. Through direct deposit, paychecks can be paid out for about 2 days faster than paper checks. Choose the option preferable to you.
To register and activate your account online after getting your card,
Also, go to www.rushcardlive.com. There you can monitor and control your card activities online. You will as well gain access to your details 24/7, pay your bills online, view your balance, and as well send out checks to your creditors. Interestingly, the card has a mobile app that you can download on your Android or iPhone. You can use the app to carry out your transaction from anywhere convenient for you. The app is very easy to use.
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